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Maryland Manual, 1904
Volume 116, Page 259   View pdf image (33K)
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BALTIMORE CITY—(Second Legislative District).
Six Members.

Mr. Hall is a native of Missouri, but since the age of twenty
has resided in Baltimore. In 1884 he graduated in medicine
from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and in 1894 grad-
uated with first honors from the Baltimore Law School, and
was admitted to the bar in the same year. He has been active
in every campaign for the last sixteen years, and has gained a
reputation as an able and forceful speaker. He has never be-
fore held an elective office. He is a member of the Baltimore
Reform League, vice-president Waverly Improvement and
Protective Association, and is also a member of Concordia
Lodge, No. 13, A. F. and A. M„ Carrollton Council, No. 257,
Royal Arcanum and Progressive Castle, No. 20, Knights of
Golden Eagle.


Mr. Morrison is a Baltimore lawyer. He was born June
13, 1860, and received his education in private schools and
Johns Hopkins University and University of Maryland.

JOHN L. V. MURPHY, Democrat.

Mr. Murphy was born in Baltimore City in 1878. He re-
ceived his primary education at the public schools, and was
afterwards graduated from Calvert Hall College, Rock Hill
College and the University of Maryland. He was admitted
to the bar in 1800, and has since practiced law in Baltimore

WILLIAM L. OREM, Democrat.

Mr. Orem is a clerk living at 1616 East Preston street. He
was born in Baltimore, January 21, 1857, and attended public
and private schools of that city.

Louis J. ROTH, Democrat.

Mr. Roth is a lawyer and pharmacist of Baltimore. He was
born in Baltimore, August 30, 1868, and educated in the public
and private schools, and later attended Maryland College of
Pharmacy and University of Law.


Mr. Trager was born in Baltimore, February 21, 1856, and
has resided in Baltimore all his life. He is engaged in the feed
and grain business.


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Maryland Manual, 1904
Volume 116, Page 259   View pdf image (33K)
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