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Maryland Manual, 1904
Volume 116, Page 260   View pdf image (33K)
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BALTIMORE CITY—(Third Legislative District).
Six Members.

Mr. Bouchet has been a member of the law firm of Ben-
zinger & Calwell for the past ten years. He received his
education at Loyola College and University of Maryland. He
is a stockholder in Loyola, Kendrick and Institute Building
Associations and a member of several fraternal orders. He
has always taken an interest in educational and public matters,
and has traveled extensively in. United States, Canada and

Mr. Dawkins was born September 21, 1845, in Calvert
County, and was educated at Charlotte Hall Academy. He
taught school one year, and then entered the mercantile busi-
ness. Til 1869 he came to Baltimore and entered the com-
mission house of W. A. Padgett & Co. as a clerk. In 1888
he formed a partnership with Mr. John H. Christpin. In 1900
Mr. Christpin retired, and he then formed a partnership with
Mr. Duke. This is his first political office, but he has always
been interested in his party's affairs.

JAMES O. DURHAM, Democrat.

Mr. Durham is a plumber and metal worker, residing at 26
Millington avenue. He was born October 15, 1864, in Balti-
more County. Mr. Durham has never held office before. He
is married and has one daughter.


Mr. Grant is a descendant of an old Virginia family, and
was born at Winchester, December 9, 1859. He was em-
ployed for a number of years as clerk by the Old Bay Line
Steamship Company, and later was in service of B. and 0.
Railroad Company. He is now engaged as a painter and dec-

Mr. Linthicum was born at Linthicum, Anne Arundel
County, November 26, 1867, and received his early education
in the public schools of that county and Baltimore City, later
entering the State Normal School, from which he graduated
in 1886. He taught for some time and then returned to Bal-
timore City, taking a special course in the Historical-Political
Department, after which he entered the University of Mary-
land School of Law, where he graduated in 1800. He has


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Maryland Manual, 1904
Volume 116, Page 260   View pdf image (33K)
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