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Maryland Manual, 1904
Volume 116, Page 258   View pdf image (33K)
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BALTIMORE CITY—(First Legislative District).
Six Members.

Louis BECKER, Democrat.

Mr. Becker was born in Germany, October 7, 1850, and at
the age of one year came with his parents to Baltimore, where
he has since resided. He is a graduate of the Maryland Col-
lege of Pharmacy, class 1870, and is now engaged in the drug

H. A. BOSSE, Democrat.

Mr. Bosse was born in Baltimore, June 9, 1852, and attended
St. Michael's Parochial School and St. Charles' College, in
Howard County, and St. Vincent College, in Pennsylvania. He
is vice-president and treasurer of Germania Savings Bank,
director in St. Mary's Industrial School, St. Michael's Perma-
nent Loan and Saving Association and other financial institu-


Mr. Evans is a member of the firm of Evans & Spence, un-
dertakers and liverymen. He was born in Boston, October 13,
MYER D. H. LIPMAN, Democrat.

Mr. Lipman is a cigar manufacturer, living at No. 1505 East
Baltimore street. He was born at Tauroggen, March 7, 18: 73.


Mr. Norris is a member of the law firm of Foutz & Norris.
He was born in Baltimore, July 18, 1880, and after attending
the public schools and Baltimore City College he graduated
from Baltimore Law School, taking prizes both for highest
average and best thesis. Mr. Norris received the highest vote
in his district at the recent election.

WILLIAM H. W. REED, Democrat.

Mr. Reed served in the Confederate Army during the Civil
War, and since that time has spent most of his time on a farm
ill Baltimore County. For the last nine years he has lived in
Baltimore, and is salesman for the Amyl-Kijo Chemical Com-
pany. Mr. Reed was born in Harford County, May 1, 1842.


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Maryland Manual, 1904
Volume 116, Page 258   View pdf image (33K)
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