of the Legislature. He was appointed to the Court of
Appeals Bench about a year ago by Governor Lowndes to
succeed Judge William Sheppard Bryan, retired. Judge
Schmucker married Miss Helen J. Bridges, daughter of the
late John C. Bridges, in November, 1869. Mrs. Schmucker
is a member of the Jail Board. Their home is at 1712
Park avenue. He was elected to the Bench of the Court
of Appeals in 1899.
Clerk of the Court of Appeals : ALLAN RUTHERFORD, (Repub-
lican,) of Montgomery county.
General Rutherford was born in New York State in
1840. He was educated in the public schools. He enlisted
in the United States Army in 1861 as a volunteer, and was
successively promoted to Captain and Lieutenant-Colonel
in the Ninth New ^ork Regiment. He was appointed
Lieutenant and became Captain in the regular army of the
United States, resigning May 1,1870. General Rutherford
was breveted Colonel and Brigadier-General while in the
regular army for meritorious conduct on the field. He
was named for the office of Clerk of the Court of Appeals
by the Republican State Covention in Baltimore City, in
1897, and was elected the following November.