March 25, 1899, to fill the unexpired term of Hon. Harry
M. Clabaugh, who had resigned to accept a Federal Judge-
ship. Mr. Gaither is a most accomplished lawyer and
graceful speaker.
Attorney-General Elect: ISIDOR RAYNER, (Democrat,) of
Baltimore city.
Mr. Isidor Rayner was born in Baltimore 41) years ago,
He graduated from the University of Virginia in 1870 and
then studied law. Soon after his admission to the bar he
attracted public attention by his ability as an advocate, and
in 1878 he was elected to the Maryland House of Delegates.
In 1886 he was elected to the State Senate. In that body
his course was so brilliant that in 1888 he was nominated
for and elected to Congress from the Fourth district. His
record there was a splendid one, and lie was returned in
1890 and 1892. He was, while in Congress, a member of
important Committees on Foreign Relations and on Coinage
and Currency. Mr. Rayner is, perhaps, best known to the
general masses of the people by his powers of oratory. He
is one of the most fluent, graceful and convincing speakers
of the State, and he is always listened to with attention
whether on the stump or at the bar.
Judge Court of Appeals from Baltimore City: SAMUEL D.
SCHMUCKER, (Republican.)
Judge Samuel D. Schmucker was born at Gettysburg,
Pa., February 26, 1844. He is a son of the late Rev. Dr.
S. S. Schmucker, a native of Maryland, of German descent,
one of the most prominent Lutheran divines of his day and
president of the Theological Seminary of the General
Synod of the Lutheran Church for more than 40 years.
Judge Schmucker was graduated from Pennsylvania Col-
lege, class of '63, and from the law school of the University
of New York city, class of '65. He located in Baltimore
and entered into practice in 1866.
Judge Schmucker was for some time president of the
Bar Association of Baltimore city. He served as a member
of the commission which prepared the New Charter for
Baltimore city, is a member of the Courthouse Commission
and served on the committee appointed to draft the Nego-
tiable Instrument law, which was adopted at the last session