Members of the Senate of 1900.
Allegany County—DAVID E. DICK, Republican.
David E. Dick was born in Lonaconing, Maryland, July
10, 1869. In 1890 he entered a business college in Phila-
delphia, from which he graduated in 1891, and returned to
hie employment in the mines. He subsequently engaged
in merchandising in Louaconing. In 1895 he was elected
a member of the House of Delegates from the Allegany
county, and in 1897 he was elected State Senator from that
county. Mr. Dick is noted for his capability as a speaker,
and one day, suddenly, woke np the House of 1896 by
displaying an oratorical ability that his fellow-members had
not suspected.
Anne Arundel County—ELIJAH WILLIAMS, Democrat.
Dr. Williams was born in Auue Arundel county, avid is
50 years old. His father was James E. Williams. He was
educated in the public schools of Anue Arundel county, at
Cumberland Valley Institute, Mechauicsburg, Pennsylvania,
and at West River Classical Institute, Owensville, Anne
Arundel county. In 1869, he was graduated in medicine
from the University of Maryland, and has actively engaged
in his profession ever since. Dr. Williams is, and has been
for a long time, a member of the Democratic State Central
Committee of Anne Arundel county. He was County
Treasurer from 1894 to 1898. He has a first-class farm
and often entertains his friends in his hospitable home and
gives them an Anne Arundel "coon hunt."
Baltimore City, (First District)—JACOB M. MOSES, Democrat.
Jacob M, Moses was born in Baltimore, and educated at
the public schools. He entered the John Hopkins TJniver-