and. pass all accounts of the State relating either to the
collection or expenditure of the revenue, and appoint
auditors to state and adjust the same. They may call
for all public or all official papers and records, and send
for persons, whom they may judge necessary, in the
course of their inquiries concerning affairs relating to the
public interest, and may direct all office bonds which
shall be made payable to the State to be sued for any
breach thereof. (Article III, section 24, Constitution.)
A joint committee to examine contracts and alleged
abuses shall be appointed by the two Houses. (Article
III, section 24, Constitution.)
Neither House shall, without the consent of the other,
adjourn for more than three days, at any one time, nor
adjourn to any other place than that in which the House
shall be sitting, without the concurrent vote of two-
thirds of the members present. (Article III, section 25,
The House of Delegates shall have sole power to im-
peach, and that only by a majority vote of members
elected. The Senate shall act in impeachment cases, and
two-thirds of all the Senators elected are required to
convict. (Article III, section 26, Constitution.)
Either House may originate bills. No bill, except by
a two-thirds vote of members elected to the House in
which it is proposed, shall be originated during the last
ten days of a session. No bill can become a law except
it has been read on three different days in each House,
except by a two-thirds vote of the House in which such
bill is pending. No bill shall be read a third time until
it shall have been actually engrossed for a third reading.
(Article III, section 27, Constitution.)
It requires a majority vote of the whole number of
members elected, with the yeas and nays recorded, to
pass a bill or resolution in either House. (Article III,
section 28, Constitution.)
"Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,"
is the enacting clause of all laws passed by the Legisla-
ture. Laws shall embrace but one subject, and that shall
be described in its title. No law can be amended or
revised by reference to the title and section only, but the
law shall be amended as it shall read when enacted. The
General Assembly shall provide for the publication of all
alterations and additions made to the Code. (Article III,
section 29, Constitution.)