Laws shall be recorded in the Court of Appeals, and
shall be published, printed and certified to the several
Courts under the Great Seal of the State. (Article III,
section 30, Constitution.)
Laws, unless otherwise enacted, take effect on the first
of June next, after the session, at which it may be passed.
(Article III, section 31, Constitution.)
No money shall be drawn from the State treasury by
order of resolution, but must be drawn by law, which
must specify exactly the sum and object. The Legisla-
ture, however, has right to vote the Governor a sum of
money for contingent expenses. An accurate statement
of the receipts and expenditures of the public monies
must be published with the laws after each regular ses-
sion of the Legislature. (Article III, section 32, Consti-
Local or special laws cannot be passed by the Legisla-
ture in the following cases : For extending the time for
the collection of taxes; granting divorces, changing the
name of any person; providing for the sale of real estate
belonging to minors; or other persons laboring under
legal disabilitiea by executors, administrators, guardians
or trustees,'giving effect to informal or invalid deeds or
wills; refunding money paid into the State treasury, or
releasing persons from their debts or obligations to the
State, unless recommended by the Governor or officers
of the Treasury Department. (Article III, section 33,
No debt can be contracted by the Legislature, except a
tax is laid that will pay interest and principal in fifteen
years, and the taxes paid shall not be repealed nor applied
to any other purpose. The credit of the State cannot be
given or loaned to any corporation or association, nor
shall any money be voted for works of internal improve-
ment, except in the counties of St. Mary's, Charles and
Calvert, and that not in the aggregate to be over $500)000.
No tax levied for a public debt can be used for any other
purpose until the debt is fully paid, or the amount in the
sinking fund equal to the public debt. The General
Assembly may borrow for temporary purposes $50,000,
without levying a tax, and may contract debts to any
amount in defence of the State. (Article III, section 34,
Constitution.) Act of 1868, chapter 454, appropriates this
money to the counties named, as follows: Charles,
$175,000; St. Mary's, $173,000; Calvert, $152,000.