No book or other printed matter, not appertaining to
the business of the session, shall be purchased or sub-
scribed for, for the use of the members of the General
Assembly, or be distributed among them, at the public
expense. (Article II, section 16, Constitution.)
No Senator or Delegate, after qualifying as such, not-
withstanding he may thereafter resign, shall, during the
whole period of time for which he was elected, be eligible
to any office which shall have been created, or the salary,
or profits of which shall have been increased during such
term. (Article III, section 17, Constitution )
No Senator or Delegate shall be liable in any civil or
action or criminal prosecution whatever for words spoken
in debate. (Article III. section 18, Constitution )
Each house shall be the judge of the qualifications and
elections of its own members; shall appoint its own offi-
cers; determine the rule of its own proceedings, punish
a member for disorderly or disrespectful behavior, and
with the consent of two-thirds of its whole number of
members elected, expel a member; but no member shall
be expelled a second time for the same offence. (Article
III, section 19, Constitution.)
A quorum is a majority of members electod to each
House.. A minority may adjourn from day to day and
compel the attendance of members under such penalties
as each House may prescribe (Article III. section 20,
The sections of the IHousc shall be open except when
the business is such as ought to be kept secret. ( Article
III, section 21, Constitution.)
Each House shall keep and publish a journall of its
proceedings. Five members of the House and one of the
Senate may require a yea and nay vote nay vote in their respec-
tive bodies. (Article III, section 22, Constitution.)
Disorderly persons, not members, who obstruct business
or act in a disrespectful manner, may be imprisoned by
either House for a period not over ten days at any one
time.. (Article III, section 23, Constitution.)
The House of Delegates may inquire, on the oath of
witnesses, into all complaints, grievances and offences, as
the grand inquest of the State, and may commit any
person, for any crime, to the public jail, there to remain
until discharged by due course of law. They may examine