No person shall be eligible as a Senator or Delegate,
who, at the time of his election, is not a citizen of the
State of Maryland, and who has not reaided therein for
at least three years next preceding the day of his elec-
tion, and the last year thereof, in the county, or the
Legislative District of Baltimore city, which he may be
chosen to represent, if such county, or Legislative Dis-
trict of said city, shall have been so long established;
and if not, then in the county or city, from which, in
whole, or in part, the same may have been formed; nor
shall any person be eligible as a Senator unless he shall
have attained the age of twenty-five years, nor as a
Delegate, unless he shall have attained the age of twenty-
one years, at the time of his election. (Article III, sec-
tion 9, Constitution.)
Persons ineligible to the Legislature are members of
Congress, persons holding civil or military offices under
the United States, ministers or preachers of the Gospel,
or of any religious creed or denomination, persons hold-
ing civil office of profit or trust in this State, except
justices of the peace, and no collector, receiver or holder
of public money, unless he shall have accounted for the
same. Any person accepting office under the Federal
Government vacates his seat. (Article III, sections 10,
II and 12, Constitution.)
In case of a vacancy or a tie, when the Legislature is
in session, the Speaker of the House or President of the
Senate, as the case may be, shall issue his warrant for an
election, of which ten days' notice shall be given.
(Article III, section 13, Constitution.)
The General Assembly meets biennially in regular
session the first Wednesday in January. (Article -III,
section 14, Constitution.)
The Legislature may continue in regular session ninety
days. Each member shall receive five dollars per diem
for every day lie shall attend the session, and for such
days as lie may be absent for sickness, or by leave of the
house of which he is a member. He shall receive such
mileage as may be allowed by law, not exceeding twenty
cents per mile. The presiding officer of each House
shall receive an additional compensation of three dollars
per day. When the General Assembly is convened in
extra session, the session shall not continue longer than
thirty days, and the per diem and mileage shall be the
same as in regular session. (Article III, section 15, Con-