Caroline county... . .... .... .. ....2 Delegates.
Dorchester county. .......... ...3 "
Frederick county ................5 "
Garrett county...................2 "
Harford county ..................4 "
Howard county..................2 "
Kent county.....................2
Montgomery county..............3 '
Prince George's county ...........3 '
Queen Anne's county........ ....3 "
Somerset county .................3 '
St. Mary's county. ...............2 "
Talbot county ...................3 "
Washington county...............4 '
Worcester county................3 "
Wicomico county ................3 "
The Governor is required to arrange representation in
the House after every National or State census on the
following basis: Each of the counties having a popula-
tion of 18,000 souls or less, shall be entitled to two dele-
gates , every county having a population of 18,000, and
less than 28,000 souls, shall be entitled to three delegates;
and every county having a population of 28,000, and less
than 40,000 souls, shall be entitled to four delegates;
and every county having a population of 40,000, and
less than 55,000 souls, shall be entitled to five dele-
gates ; and every county having a population of 55,000
and upwards, shall be entitled to six delegates and no
more; and each of the three Legislative Districts of the
City of Baltimore, shall be entitled to the number of
Delegates, to which the largest county shall, or may be
entitled to under the aforegoing apportionment. The
General Assembly has power to provide by law, from
time to time, for altering and changing the boundaries
of the three existing Legislative Districts of the City of
Baltimore, so as to make them as near as may be, of
equal population ; but said districts shall always consist
of contiguous territory. (Article III, sections 4 and 5,
Delegates to the House are elected by the qualified
voters. (Article III, section 6, Constitution.)
The election of Delegates and one-half of State Senators
takes place every two years on the Tuesday next after
the first Monday in November. (Article III, section 7,