Recommendations of measures shall be made by the
Governor from time to time to the Legislature. (Article
II, section 19, Constitution.)
Pardons and reprieves, except in cases of impeachment
and conviction of bribery, or receiving bribes at elec-
tions, and remission of fines for offences against the State,
may be granted by the Governor. A nolle prosequi or
pardon, before being granted, shall be published in one
or more newspapers, and the petitions, recommendations
and reasons which influenced his decision, shall be
reported to either branch of the Legislature when
required. (Article I, section 3, Article II, section 20,
The residence of the Governor shall be at the seat of
government. His annual salary shall be $4,500. (Article
II, section 21, Constitution.)
The Governor's oath is prescribed by Article I, section
6, Constitution.
The arrangement of representation of each county, in
the House of Delegates, shall be made by the Governor.
(Article III, section 5, Constitution.)
Elections to fill vacancies in the Senate or House of
Delegates shall be ordered by the Governor when the
Legislature is not in session. (Article III, section 13,
Bills are signed by the Governor, if he approve the
same, in the presence of the presiding officers of the
Senate and House of Delegates, and the Secretary and
Chief Clerks of those respective bodies. (Article III,
section 30, Constitution.)
The Governor's contingent expenses shall be reported
to the Legislature. (Article III, section 32, Constitution.)
Money once paid into the State treasury can only be
refunded or a release of obligations to the State granted
by the Legislature, on the recommendation of the Gov-
ernor, or officers of the treasury. (Article III, section 33,
Judges shall be removed by the Governor on convic-
tion in a court of law of incompetency, wilful neglect of
duty, misbehavior in office or other crime, or on impeach-
ment or address of two-thirds of each House of Assembly.
(Article IV, section 4, Constitution.)
Returns of elections of all officers provided by the