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Maryland Manual, 1897
Volume 109, Page 78   View pdf image (33K)
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All civil officers appointed by the Governor and Senate
shall be nominated within fifty days of the commence-
mont of the regular session. Their terms of office shall
begin the first Monday in May, and continue, unless re-
moved, for two years, except in cases otherwise provided
for in the Constitution, and until their successors respec-
tively qualify, according to law, but the terms of inspec-
tors of tobacco shall commence on the first Monday of
March, next ensuing their appointment. (Article II, sec-
tion 13, Constitution.)

Nominations for vacancies in offices, filled, by the Gov-
ernor, during the session of the Senate, shall be made
before the adjournment of the Senate, unless such
vacancy occurs within ten days of final adjournment.
(Article II, section 14, Constitution.)

The Governor may suspend, or arrest any military
officer of the State for disobedience of orders, or other
military offence, and may remove him in pursuance of
the sentence of a court-martial, and may remove for in-
competency, or misconduct, all civil officers who received
appointments from the executive for a term of years.
(Article II, section 15, Constitution.)

Extra sessions of the Legislature, or Senate alone,
shall be convened by the Governor on extraordinary
occasions, and, if from any cause the seat of government
becomes unsafe for the Legislature, he may direct some
other convenient place than the capital for the session to
be held. (Article II, section 16, Constitution.)

The veto power is vested with the Governor. When
he refuses his approval to a bill, he must state his objec-
tions to the House in which the bill originated. Three-
fifths of both Houses are required to pass a bill over the
Governor's veto. He has six days, (Sundays excepted,)
in which to consider a bill; otherwise it becomes a law
without his signature. An adjournment of the Legisla-
ture before the six days expire from the time the bill was
presented to him, does not affect the right of the Gover-
nor to veto a bill so presented to him. (Article II, sec-
tion 17, Constitution.)

The Treasurer and Comptroller are to be examined
under oath by the Governor, every six months, as to the
condition of their accounts. (Article II, section 18, Con-


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Maryland Manual, 1897
Volume 109, Page 78   View pdf image (33K)
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