Constitution, shall be made to the Governor, except State's
Attorneys, and he shall issue commissions of all officers
elected, under Constitution, except State's Attorneys.
(Article IV, section II, Constitution.)
In case of a tie the Governor shall order anew election
for judges, clerks of courts, and registers of wills. In
contested elections he must send returns to the House.
(Article 4, section 12, Constitution.)
Vacancies in the Orphans' Courts, offices of justices of
the peace and sheriff, shall be filled by the Governor,
subject to the confirmation or rejection by the Senate.
(Article IV, sections 40, 43, 44, Constitution.)
Elections for Attorney-General shall be certified to the
Governor, who shall decide questions of election and
qualification, and in case of tie, shall designate which
shall qualify, and he shall fill all vacancies in said office.
(Article V, sections 2 and 5, Constitution.)
Vacancies in the offices of Treasurer and Comptroller
shall be filled by the Governor, by and with the advice
of the Senate. (Article VI, section I, Constitution.)
The approval of the Governor has to be obtained of
the banks selected by the treasurer in which to keep the
State funds, and the banks must give such security as
the Governor may require. (Article VI. section 3, Con-
The Board of Public Works is composed of the Gov-
ernor, Treasurer, and Comptroller. (Article XII, section
I, Constitution.)
Proposed amendments to the Constitution are to be
published by the Governor, and on their adoption lie is
to so declare by proclamation. (Article XIV, section I,
The office of any officer who shall fail to pay into the
State treasury within thirty days of the expiration of
each year, excess of fees and money due him, shall be
declared vacant by the Governor. (Article XV, section
I, Constitution.)
In cases of tie in election of State officers, except those
otherwise provided for, the Governor shall issue certifi-
cates for a new election. (Article XV, section 4, Consti-
Officers elected or appointed, under the Constitution,
may qualify before the Governor or any clerk of any
court of records. (Article XV, section 10, Constitution.)