which company has the improvement of the town under its con-
trol, and a director in the Tin Can Manufacturing Company.
He is forty-nine years of age.
He is a member of the committee on election, on internal
improvements, on inspections, on part of house on Joint Com-
mittee on section 24, Article 3, of the Constitution.
John L. G. Lee.
John L. G. Lee is a son of Col. Otho S. Lee, of Belair. He
is a graduate of the Maryland University of Law. He is
actively engaged in the practice of his profession in Belair and
in Baltimore. He is twenty-six years of age. He is a vestry-
man of Emmanuel Protestant Episcopal Church, and takes a
deep interest in church affairs.
He is a member of the committee on re-valuation and re-
assessment, on the judiciary, on temperance and the regulation
of the liquor traffic.
Robert Seneca.
Mr. Robert Seneca is forty-nine years old and a native of
Havre de Grace, where he now resides. In early life he con-
ducted a mercantile business, but abandoned it several years ago,
and since then has devoted his attention entirely to the buying
and selling of ducks and fish, in which he has been eminently
successful. He is known as a clear-headed business man, and it
is perhaps his peculiarity that he thinks there is no State equal to
Maryland and no place in Maryland like the little city 'in which he
lives. H e is married, and his comfortable home is the seat of a
generous hospitality, which is often shared with the most promi-
nent ment of the State. Mr. Seneca was never, until last fall, a
candidate for political office outside his city, but has frequently
served as a member of his city government. He was a town
commissioner in 1878. Since the incorporation of Havre de
Grace as a city, he has been its mayor in 1889, 1890 and 1891;
city councilman in 1879, 1880, 1881, 1890, 1891 and 1895; and
city treasurer for two years. He enjoys the distinction of being
successful in every contest in which he allowed his name to be
used as a candidate.
He is a member of the committee on the Chesapeake bay and
its tributaries, on printing, on manufacturers.
William M. Whiteford.
William M. Whiteford is twenty-seven years of age. He lives
in Dublin district, and is a son of Col. James R. Whiteford, one
of the prominent citizens of the county. He is engaged in the