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Maryland Manual, 1896
Volume 108, Page 61   View pdf image (33K)
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again nominated and elected, and served in the General Assembly
of 1894. He was again nominated and elected in 1895 to serve
as a delegate from his county to the present General Assembly of
Maryland. ' He is a capable and popular member of the House.
He is a member of the committee on rules, on internal im-
provements, chairman of committee on pensions, on temperance
and regulation of liquor traffic.


Charles E. Hilliary.

Charles E. Hilliary was born in Piedmont, Mineral county,
West Virginia, in the year 1860, being a son of W. A. Hilliary,
of Frederick county, Maryland. He was educated in the public
schools of Mineral county, West Virginia. At the age of
twenty-one years he went to the Western States, locating in
California, and after remaining there about four years came to
'Garrett county, locating near the town of Gorman, in the Ryan
Glade settlement. During the year 1886 he was married to Miss
S. E. Thompson, a granddaughter of Israel Thompson, one of
the pioneer settlers of Western Maryland. His occupation is
that of a farmer, being one of the most prosperous in Garrett
county and owning several large tracts of land.

He is a member of committee on revaluation and reassessment,
on insurance and loan companies, on contingent fund, on immi-

Christian J. Otto.

Christian J. Otto was born in New Germany, Garrett county,
on the 29th day of November, 1848, and received his education
in the public schools of Garrett county. For the past twelve
years he has been engaged in the lumber business, and is con-
sidered one of the most prosperous lumber merchants in Western
Maryland. For two years he has been president of the Maryland
Sunday-school Union of Garrett county. He is a Republican.

He is a member of committee on organization, on education,
on internal improvements, on library, on engrossed bills.


T. Littleton Hanway.

T. Littleton Hanway is a progressive merchant of the second
district, at Aberdeen. He comes of one of the largest and most
influential families of the county. Besides his mercantile busi-
ness, he is vice-president of the Aberdeen First National Bank,
secretary of the Aberdeen Land and Improvement Company,


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Maryland Manual, 1896
Volume 108, Page 61   View pdf image (33K)
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