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Maryland Manual, 1896
Volume 108, Page 63   View pdf image (33K)
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insurance and fertilizer business at Cambria. He is a graduate
of college and is well informed on most of the live questions of
the day.

He is a member of the committee on federal relations, on
education, on insurance and loan companies.

HOWARD COUNTY. —2 Members.

Richard C. Pindell.

Richard Caleb Pindell was an unsuccessful candidate four
times before for the House of Delegates and once for sheriff.
His sixth trial before the people resulted in his election to the
House of Delegates by nearly 400 majority over the vote of his
Democratic opponent. He was born in Howard county, Febru-
ary 12, 1842. He has a wife and seven children, and owns a
farm near Fulton, where he lives. At the age of ten his father
died. His mother survived until a year or so ago. Mr. Pindell's
ancestors all lived in Anne Arundel county, and his grandfather
being the late Rinaldo Pindell, a well-to-do farmer. Mr. Pindell
was educated in the public schools of the county. The only
office he ever held before came by an appointment under the
administration of President Harrison. It was that of store-
keeper in the Baltimore Custom House. He has always been a
Republican in politics. He is an advocate of legislation
intended to restrict the sale of liquor.

He is a member of the committee on organization, on ways
and means, on inspections, on pensions, on temperance and regu-
lation of liquor traffic.

Walter S. Black.

Walter S. Black was born in Baltimore city, October 4, 1863,
being the son of Samuel Black, a retired builder and real estate
dealer of Baltimore city. His early life was spent in the north-
western section of Baltimore, where he attended the public
schools. He began his present farming operations in Howard
county in 1883, having previously been in business in Virginia.
He has been successful as a farmer. Mr. Black has declared
himself as being in accord with the other member of the How-
ard county delegation on the question of temperance legislation.
In 1887 he married a daughter of Mr. E. Aquilla Jones, and has
three children. In politics he has always been a Republican,
bat never before a candidate for any office.

He is a member of the committee on roads and highways, on
labor, on civil service, on federal relations.


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Maryland Manual, 1896
Volume 108, Page 63   View pdf image (33K)
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