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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1689-1690
Volume 106, Page 202   View pdf image
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James: Round, plt Somerset County Ssc. Thomas Clifton of this County was Som=d to answr
unto mr
agt James Round of the same County Gent in a plea of debt, and whereupon ye plt by
Thomas:Clifton.deft attorney: John Taylor comes and sayes that in the year 1684 the deft became
- - - - - - - - - bted unto the plt two pair of good able mens french falls shoes as per Bill
here in
Court produced as will more plainly appear the which two pair of shoos to pay doth altogeather
refuse though
often thereunto required by the plt so that the plt saith he is damnified to the value of 400lb tob: &
bring his suite. pr Quer. Jno. Taylor. Pledges of prosecuting. John: Doe: Rich: Roe.
This Bill binds me Thomas Clifton of the County of Somerset & Province of Maryland
to pay or cause to be pd unto James Round two good able pair of mens french fall shoos and to
deliver the
same at the house of Wm: Brittingham at some time between the date hereof & the 10th- day of
1684. as witness my hand and seal this 18th day of 9ber 1684. --- Tho T Clifton - ? sealed
Signed sealed & delivered in presence of us. his marke
Wm: M weight his marke. Peter: Watson. } Judgmt. Confest pr Ed: Jones Attorney.

Martha:Ayres.Admr. to Benjm.Ayres Somerset County Ssc. John:Snow of this County was Sumoned to
of Accamack decd C plt. agt unto Martha:Ayres Relict and Admrx of all and singular ye goods &
John: snow. Deft. - - - of Benjm Ayres late of Accamack County deceased in a plea of debt
And whereupon the plt by his Attorney James Sangster comes and
sayes yt ye
That the sd Jno. Snow is become and stands indebted unto the plt in the full and just sume of one
five hundred pounds of good sound mertable tobacco in Caske as doth and may appear by spetialty
hand of the
defendt. bearing date the of 9ber and year of our Lord 1682: and is here in Court produced wherein the
sd (deft)
did bind and oblige him Selfe his heirs Execctors Admrs. for the paymt of the same at or upon the of
next after the date of the sd spetialty. But the sd deft fraudulently and Craftily intending the plt of the
Sum hath hitherto denyed to pay the same and yet doth deny though often thereunto required, the plt
saith she
is damnified and hath losse to the value of three thousand pounds of like tobacco and hereupon
brings this suit.
Sangster per Quer pled.deprsois. Jno. Doe: Rich Roe.

These shall oblige me John:Snow of Accamack Planter my Heirs Execcutrs & Admrs to pay or
cause to be
paid unto Benjm. Ayres of the County aforesd his Execcutors. Admrs or Assigns the full & just
of fifteen hundred pounds of good sound Mercable tobacco & Caske as the law directs at or upon
the tenth day of 8ber next ensueing the data hereof. witness my hand the 9th. day of 9ber 1682
John: Stockly Decemr. ye 1685 John: I Snow
John. I Snow. the marke of Sworn in Open Court by
John: Stockley as ye act and
Judgmt. Confest fo 1000lb tobacco pr Dent deed of John: Snow Test. Jno Washbourne Ck Cur Comit
Attorny for Defendt. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
These are to Certifie yr worps that I have tended five dayes upon ye Court as an evidence for
and I would desire an Order for my pay . November ye 12th- 1690. William Henderson.
Sworn before me this 13th of 9ber. 1690. S Hopkins
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To the worll. Justices of Somerset County now in Court sitting the humble petion of Jno.Wilson humbly sheweth that your
petioner kept the fferry at Wiccocomocoe five month duely without any neglect but was alwayes attentive dureing the (afd)
time for which ye petionr craves yr worps Ordr. for his pay according to proportion & yr petioner in duty bound shall pray. vide
ordr 19-

The humble petion of Robert: Houston. To their Maties Justices of the Peace for Somerset County sheweth that whereas yr
hath an action depending between me and Jacob:Pereen and yr petioners wife and Childe lying dangerous sick at home ----
yr worps would be pleased to let yr petioner have a Speedy hearing and yr petioner as in duty bound shall (ever pray)
Read not granted // here ends ye 13th. dayes proceedings ---
Court adjournes

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1689-1690
Volume 106, Page 202   View pdf image
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