Volume 106, Page 194 View pdf image |
9ber. 12. 1690 (194) - - - - - - - It is the Opinion of this Court, that the sd John Carey has broke his bonds of behaviour being bound as appears folio 53. Order Sumons for Mary the wife of James: Ingram, that she appear next Court to answer what shall be objected agt her, on their Maties behalfe. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To the worll. Commissioners of Somerset County now in Court sitting the humble Petion of Elinor Harris humbly sheweth. That your poore petioner hath been a long time a liver in this County and never was any Charge thereto and th now through age & weakness of body is all together rendered uncaple of getting her living and being in a manner ready to perish. through the extremity of Cold, and the want of necessary cloathing. Therefore humbly implores yr worships Charity yt provision may be made to releive the great wants and necessities, therein, and your Poor Petioner as in duty bound shall ever. pray - - - - - Which petion being read. The Court has Ordered that whereas there is due to this County one hogshed of Tobacco now in Mr ffrancis: Jenckins hands. the sd hhd is now Ordered to be pd to the said Elinor: Harris. provided, she the said Harris give good Security not to trouble the County any further. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mr. Robert: Nearne Took the Oath of Allegiance and abhorrence. The Grand Jury makes retourne of their presentments Ordr prosses Issue forth upon sd presntmts Imprimis. We present Elizabeth: Innis. for having borne a Basterd: Child. in Mattopony hundred We present Mary.Servant to Samuel: Jones for having borne a Basterd child in Mony hundred We present Charles: Johnson for suspition of hogg stealing. Esau Boston Informer. Anne Moore. Is:Boston:Evid We present Thomas: Oxford for abuseing ye body of Margeret Keneday by endeavouring to commit a Rape with her in October last Anno.Domini. 1690 mr.Samuel:Hopkins Informer. Eliz.Lawrence Evidence We present Thomas:Oxford for abuseing the body of Sarah Saunders by endeavouring to commit a Rape with her on the Sabbath day in Anno.Domini 1690. mr. Samuel: Hopkins Informer Anne Pope and Martin ffrantrem Evidences. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - We present Dennis: Druskill for not assisting to mend their Maties. high wayes in Money hundred. Informer. Geo. Betts We present Thomas: Roe for not assisting to mend their Maties highwayes in Mony hundred. Informr.George Betts We present Chrisopher:Litle. for not assisting to mend their Maties. high wayes in Mony hundred. Informer.George Betts We present Patrick. Quatermus for not assisting to mend their Maties high wayes in Mony hundred. Informer George Betts We present Samuel: Jones for not assisting to mend their Maties high wayes in Mony hundred Informr. George Betts We present John:Kemp and Robert:Downs for Suspition of Branding a horse Colt of Capt. Jno.Winders the 22th day of July last past. 1690 Informers Thomas:Gordon. Thomas: Ackworth. John: Rickins. Edward: Wright Richard Ackworth. // The abovesd presentments were Signed by John: Bozman. foreman. Order to ye Clk to mend formes but not Substance. |
Volume 106, Page 194 View pdf image |
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