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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1689-1690
Volume 106, Page 193   View pdf image
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November 12th. Anno Domini 1690 - - - - -
Comissioners Present. - - - - - - - - - - - - -
in Court sitting were } Coll. David Browne. mr. ffrancis Jenkins. mr. Tho: Newbold
mr. James: Dashiels mr. James: Round. mr. Samuel: Hopkins
Capt. John: Winder mr. Edmund: Howard.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

To their Maties Justices Sitting in Court November the 12th. 1690. The Petion of John
Hammon humbly sheweth that whereas Robert ffoster of Accamack County in Virginia
did leave with your Petioner a Child of Armstrong ffosters, till he the said Child Comes to
age. your Petioner humbly craves that your worships will please to bind ye said Child
according to law and your Petioner shall as in duty bound pray &c. - - - - - - - - -
& ordered
The above sd Petion being read, it is Considered ^ by this Court that the above sd Boy calld Wm:
ffoster do Serve the sd Hammon till One and twenty years of age in Consideration of wch Servitude
the sd Hammond doth oblige himselfe to teach the sd boy to read and write suffitiently, and to give
the sd boy one yearling Heifer the first day of May next ensueing which sd Heifer is to be delivered
before mr. James Round and mr Samuel: Davies, and to be markt & recorded for the sd Boyes use. &c.

Ordered. that Henry Leyton be Overseer of the lower part of Mony hundred equall wth. George Betts
upon the upper part. Order likewise that the worke due upon Record and convenient to these parts
and to amend Rock Creek bridge and Mash be paid, viz such part as may be requisit of ye pay

Order.that all those persons or Successors be sumoned to appear at next Court, who has any of the
County arms
in this County, that then they render accot. thereof to our Justices - - - - - - - - -
- -

Order. That five months pay for John: Wilson, for keeping Wiccocomoco fferry be allowed and
paid to Alexander: Thomas. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
vide petr. 202.

I Robert: ffoster doe freely desire and am willing that my Nephew. Wm: ffoster should live with my
Cousen John: Hammon till he comes to age, he the sd Wm. ffoster being willing I the sd Robert:
ffoster do hereunto sett my hand this 9th. of Septbr. 1690.
Robert: ffoster.
Testes. Witt: Browne
Wm. ffausett. }

The sd John: Carey being last night in Custody of the sheriffe having been
Their Maties. agt guilty of Swearing & drunkenness In Court appeareing is Ordered to give
Security for
John: Carey. his good behaviour:whereupon came ye sd Jno. Carey & p Recog. of 20,. of England, did
him Selfe to stand indebted to their Maties likewise ffrancis Roberts & Wm: Currey in yesum of 10,.like
money p--
To be leavied on their good Chattells & Tennemts for their Maties uses & also to pay all Court Charges. The Condition of
Recognizance is Such that if the above bound Jno:Carey be of the good behaviour & abearance to all their Maties Leige
of this province dureing Courts pleasure, also pay all fines & fees being now fined for sweaing & drunkenness then Recogn
(missing) - - - -

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1689-1690
Volume 106, Page 193   View pdf image
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