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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1689-1690
Volume 106, Page 195   View pdf image
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To the worll: Commissioners of Somerset County the humble Petition of us this present Grand Jury
representing the body of the County aforesd. humbly sheweth - - - - - - - That where it hath been ye
usuall practice and Custome of the Court to assess and lay the County Leavy at November and upon
reason the Inhabitants are come togeather, and we the Jurors aforesd in the behalfe of our neighbours
and our selves do humbly pray that your worships will take it into your Serious consideration as to
follow so good a Custome and to do the same this Court the contrary will be much to the trouble,
and great charges of us and our neighbours as aforesd and your Petioners as in duty bound shall ever
pray. Signed with Consent. By the whole grand Jury. viz Jno. Bozman foremn
Lazarus:Maddux. John: Harris. Samuel: Horsey Richard Crockett. Owen: Megraugh. Jno.
Emmet. Thomas Sermon. Miles. Grey Thomas: Gordon. John. Mckknitt. Rich: Holland
William: Heron. John: Smock. John: Johnner. ffr: Roberts. John Richins. Adm Heath
Grand Jury is dismist

Order friday next for Lying the County Leavy

The humble Petition of William Turvill to their Maties Justices of the Peace for
Somerset County sheweth that whereas the Estate of Thomas Proffit of this County deceased
was Ordered to be appraised by mr Matthew: Scarbrough and Robert Johnson which they have
not done being so intricate and farr from them, So your petioner craves your worps. would be
pleased to Order two that may be more neare and Convenient to appraise the same and your
Petioner as in duty shall every pray. William: Turvile. - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ordered That John: ffranklin and Wm: Wouldhave Appraise the Estate of Thom: Proffit
deceased, and that mr. James Round swear sd Appraisors. and that mr Turvile make Oath first
truly to Admr.
Somerset County in Maryland. To the worll. Justices of their Maties Peace for this
County of Somerset - - - The Petion of Thomas: Morris humbly sheweth
Whereas your Petioner being chosen by Elizabeth Smith in August Court last for her
your worships Ordered your Petioner that he should bring Eliz. Smith to the next Court,
following. which Order your Petioner hath obeyed, your Petioner Craves yours worp
judgmt therein, and your Petioner as in duty bound shall ever pray &c. - - - - - - -
The said Eliz appearing and requesting ye worll Court that she with her moveables may be in the
Custody of sd Morris, Order granted for ye same. The sd Morris giving Security to next Court

Capt John: King sworn a Justice of the Peace . - - - - - - - - - -

Right Worll. Gentm. these are to informe yr. worps. that I am very dangerous sick, and has been
so this three weeks. therefore am not able to come to Court, more like a dying man then
otherwise so hoping your worps will take it into Consideration and be so kind as to give
in my

Bond which I passed to your worps to mr Henry Lynch who is one of my Bondsmen & in
doing your worps will very much Oblige yor worps real friend & Servant Daniel: Selby
Mattapony 7th. 9ber 1690 which sd Petion is granted

9ber 12th. 1690 Their Majesties (195)
- - - - - - - - agt. Indtmt . Read.
Edward: ffowler Somerset County Ssc. Edward ffowler of this County was
to answer what should be objected agt him in their Maties
behalfe in August Court. And whereupon the sd Edward is
Indicted, in he the said Edward hath most sinfully &
Committed fornication and upon the body of Margeretta Maria Cooper begotten a Basterd Child
to great dishonour of Allmighty god, scandall and evill Example to their Maties. Good people and
against the statute in y case provided therefore their Maties Attorney craves judgmt may be entered
agt the said ffowler according to Law. - - - - - James: Sangster Clk Indt

The above said Edward ffowler being at ye Barr who pleads not guilty and for tryall puts
him Selfe upon the Court - - - - The sd Margeretta C C like appearing as also made
Oath that he the said Edward ffowler was the only ffather of her Basterd Child. - - - - -
Whereupon the Court Ordered the above sd Edwd. ffowler to give Security to
keep the County harmless from the Child. whereupon Came the sd Edward and pr
Recognizance did acknowledge him Selfe to stand indebted to their Maties in the sum,
of 20,. sterling, and the sd Thomas: Morris and ffrancis Roberts in the sum of 10,
like money due as aforesd to be leavyed on their goods Chattels & tennements
for their Maties uses &c.
The Condition of the above sd Recognizance is such that if the above bound Edwd.
ffowler do from hence forward, and at all time & times hereafter, well and truly defend
and keep this said County of Somerset harmless & indempnified as also for charge or trouble
of a Basted boy laid to his charge by the above sd Margeretta, and shall also pay all fees due
then this Recognizance to be void otherwayes to remain in full force & vertue. - - - - -

Order That Edward: ffowler be continued fferry man of Wiccocomocoe fferry for this
Ensueing year. Order. Bond be with Security be taken for the due performance thereof
whereupon came ye said Edward ffowler and ffrancis Roberts, and did acknowledge them Selves
to be indebted unto the worll. Court in the sum of six thousand pounds of good tobacco - - -
The Condition of which Bond is that the sd ffowler shall dureing the space of one whole yeare
keep a good Suffitient Boat for the fferryes use & County as also shall give due attendance according
to law, then the Bond voyd, otherwayes to be & remain in full force & vertue. - - - - - - -

Order William. Bradshaw be continued fferry man for this ensueing year for Pocomoke fferry
Order. Bond be taken for the due performance thereof wth. Security. whereupon Came mr James
Sangster and George Noble and in Court bound themselves in the Sum of six thousand pounds
of tobacco as above for all performances according to ffowlers Obligation - - - - - - - -

Their Majesties agt. The sd Goldsmith appears, The Indtmt. read. pleads not guilty and for
Tryall puts himselfe upon the Court - - - - - - - - - - - -

John: Goldsmith Junior John Goldsmith Junior of this County was attached to answer their Maties what
- - - - - - - - - should be objected agt him in August Court, And whereupon their Maties.
Somerset County Ssc. Comes and sayes that the Said Goldsmith hath most wickedly sinfully

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1689-1690
Volume 106, Page 195   View pdf image
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