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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1689-1690
Volume 106, Page 171   View pdf image
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August 15th. 1690. Comissioners Present in Court were.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Coll. David Browne. mr. ffrancis Jenkins. Mr. Thomas: Newbold mr.
mr Thomas: Jones. mr. George: Layfield. - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -

To the Worll the Comrs of Somerset County the humble Petition of Walter Lane humbly Sheweth - - -
That whereas your Petioner preferred a Petion to the last Court to have Administration of the
and Chattels of Josias Seaward late of this County decd, and by reason your worships did Order
letters of Admrn should be Issued out to your Petioner and George Seaward joyntly Your Petioner did
that he could not with saifty be concerned with the said Seaward, therefore humbly craves,
Adminr as
aforesd may be granted to your Petioner Solely and yor Petioner as in duty bound shall pray - - -
- -
Petition being read. it was the Courts opinion, that George Seaward first renounce his

The humble Petion of John Taylor. to their Maties. Justices of the Peace for Somerset County Sheweth
That whereas your Petioner by Order of your worships doth stand bound to the good behaviour
two Securities and your Petioner humbly craves to be released of the same and your Petioner
ever pray. John: Taylor. - - - - which behaviour was Ordered to be Continued - - - -

To the worll. Justices of their Maties. Peace for this County of Somerset now sitting . - - - - - - - -
- -
The Petion of Samuel: Marchment & his Wife and John. Thomas humbly sheweth ------- Tahat
Worships Petioner was sommoned to wittness in a Controversie depending in your worll: Court
Walter. Taylor plt and mr. Samuel: Hopkins deft. to wittness both for the pt and deft. Your worps
Petioner Craves your woships Order. for charges in attending twenty dayes, and your petioner as
in duty

bound shall ever pray &c.
Samll. Marchment attendance 20 dayes As also yor Worships Petioners Wife hath attended as wittness in
his Wife 13.ditto. Jno. Thomas 10 dayes} Same Cause for both parties who desires your worships Order
charges in attending thirteen dayes, and your Petioner as in duty
shall ever pray &c.
The said attendance by the said three persons was sworne unto before us this 15th. of August 1690.
Samuel Hopkins
Order granted for the Same. Thomas: Jones.

Somerset County in Maryland. To the worll. Justices of their Maties Peace for this County of
The Petion of Elias: Coleman humbly sheweth --- That whereas your humble petitioner hath
Cause depending in your worll. Court between John: Webb and your petioner humbly sheweth
one of my wittnesses is lame and not well, and I my Selfe am not in a Capassity to come your
Petioner craves of your worps a reference till the next Court, when if God will, I shall if in health
a live answer the suit, and your petioner as in duty bound shall every pray &c.
Petition Granted

To his Maties worll. Comrs for Somerset County the petition of Richard:Plunkett humbly sheweth that (whereas
Petioner was Sommoned by Will:Mead, and Evidence agt Jno. Swain & yr petioner tended upon this worll Court ( ?
yr petitioner craves yr worps Order for what tobacco the law allows to Evidences & yor petioner shall
Pray (sworne)
to before mr Samll. Hopkins and mr Thomas Jones. Order granted for the same.

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1689-1690
Volume 106, Page 171   View pdf image
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