Volume 106, Page 170 View pdf image |
August 14th. 1690 (170) - - - - - - - - - Somerset County Ssc. To the worshipfull their Majesties Justices for the foresd County. William Anderson Admr of the Estate of Abell: Porter Decd. Sheweth That the Estate of mr John: Cropper Late of this County Decd standeth Indebted to the foresd Porters Estate in the sum of Sixteen pounds fourteen shillings and seven pence Sterling as pr Croppers Subscriptions may appear Wherefore yor Petioner in Capascity aforesd prayeth yr Worships order against mr John ffranklin who hath intermarryed with mrs Rhodiah ffaasett the Executrix of sd Croppers Estate for the foresd Sum of 16:14:6d. with Cost and he will pray. &c. ------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Somerset County Ssc. To the worll. their Maties Justices for the sd County. William Anderson humbly sheweth That the Estate of mr John: Cropper late of this County Decd Standeth Indebted to your petioner in the sum of four thousand two hundred eighty five pounds of tobacco and Caske as pr his Subscriptions may appeare also two thou hundred seaventy eight pounds of porke. for both which Sums yr petioner prayeth your worships Order against mr John: ffrankling who hath intermarryed ffaasett the Extrx of the sd Cropper with Cost, or as in yor Province is Customary in the like Cases & he will pray &c.-- The above sd two Petions being read in Court But no Order past. upon either. Thomas Dixon. Plt. The appraisemt of One Maer and Colt and also one horse of Joshn agt. ffreeman late of this County this 8th. day of August 1690, --------- Joseph ffreman Deft To one Maer, - - - 800 - - - - - - - - - - - - To one hose Colt. - - 400 To one horse. - - - - 1200 2400 The above mentioned perticulers wee appraise as above specified for the use of Thomas Dixon as wittness our hands this 8th. day of August 1690. Alexander: Maddux his The above sd perticulers attacht pr me Sam:Worthington. John: I Perkins Dept. Sherriffe. August ye 8th. 1690 marke Maryland August the 8th. 1690. Then Came before me mr Alexander Maddux and mr John:Perkins and was Sworne before me to appraise one Mare and Colt and also One horse belonging to Joseph ffreeman late of this County before me. Thomas: Newbold. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Capt Henry: Smith. plt Somersett Ss. Henry Smith Planter was attached to answer the suit of agt. Henry:Smith Mercht. in a plea of trespass upon the Case - - - - - - Henry: Smith Planter dft. And the sd Henry by his Attorney Thomas:Pool. saith that in ye year of our Lord God 1687. the defendt became indebted unto the sd plaintiffe the full and just sum of sixteen hundred and eighty pounds of good sound Merchantable tobacco and Caske ye which said sum of 1680lb of tobacco hath been severall times demanded of the sd defendt, but he fraudulently intending refuseth to pay the same whereby the plt is damnified and hath damage to the value of 3000lb. tobacco and there upon brings his suit. Tho: Poole pr Quer Pledge Deprs. Jno: Doe Rich. Roe. Neither plt nor defend appearing in Court when Called neither in their own persons or by Attorneys this Court dismist the matter. |
Volume 106, Page 170 View pdf image |
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