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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1689-1690
Volume 106, Page 168   View pdf image
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August 14th. 1690 (168)
- - - - - - - - - The whole proceedings Between the sd mr Jones and Perkins being referred to
the Court
The Court finds it to be no cause of action . Wm: Venables sworne for plt. Ordr 13.

Elizabeth Smith formerly Ordered to Capt. Samuel: Shewell; is now Ordered by the Court to her
Mary Innis with her Estate.

Lawrence: Crawford. Plt. Somerset County Ssc. Jonathan Towers of this County Cooper was
agt. Sumoned to answer unto Mr. Lawrence Crawford of the same County
Jonathan: Towers. Defdt Gent. in a plea of trespass upon the Case - - - - - - - - - -
And whereupon the plt by James: Sangster his Attorney Comes and
that mr John: White late of this County deceased and predecessor to the
plt did
Lett a Certain Plantation Called Newport pannel, on certain Articles between the sd defendt and the said
White deceased, where it was Concluded and agreed that what hoggs was or should be raised upon the
Plantation by the defendt, should run in a joynt stock between them, and at the expiration of four years
to be equally shared, Now the said plt by his intermarriage with the Extrx and Admrx of the sd Estate
parted what hoggs did give him an accompt of but the said plt doth find, and here in Court by Evidence
doth make it appear that the sd Jonathan defendt hath Clandestinly and Craftily Sold and disposed of
five hoggs, to viz One Sow & four Barrows and for them hath recd satisfaction, without the knowledge
Consent of the plt, with a firme and Setled purpose to defraud the plt of the same. wherefore the plt
he is damnified and hath losse to the value of Sixteen hundred pounds of tobacco and hereupon brings
his suit Sangster pr Quer. pled de pr sois. {Jon Doe
Rich:Roe.} Jones Attorney pr defdt.

Declaration being Read, and Issue joynd, the matter being referred to a Jury. which Jury was
impannelled and duely Sworne, which names are as followeth. Viz. John: Bozman Wm:
John. Downs. Alexander Thomas. Moses ffainton. Robert:Polk. Ralph:Milbourne.Samuel:Shewel.
Tarr. William:Bozman . Matthew: Scarbrough. Thomas Oxford: who having the whole matter rightly
as also hear four Evidences Sworne for the plt. having recd their Charge goes forth - - - - - And
returned do bring in this following verdict (viz) We the Jurors do find for the plt, damages four
pounds of tobacco with Cost of suit. Given in by. John: Bozman foreman. Ordr. to enter ye verdict

Order (17.) dayes pay to Anthony Jones, being an Evidence for Lawrence Crawford plt. agt Jona.
Towers deft

Order. 25) dayes to David Layhay upon ditto for attendance
Order. 14) dayes. to Griffin Morris upon ditto for attendance. } these 3 orders granted wthout Petion
Sworne to pr all S.

To the worll. Comrs of Somerset County Court, the humble Petion of William. Turvile. humbly
That whereas John: Jones of this County was posessed by way of Admrn with the Orphant and Estate
of Thomas
Proffit of this County deceased And the sd Jones having lately absented himselfe out of this County
some time before his going away did leave the said Orphant in your petioners posession, with request
to your
petioner that he would endeavour to learn the said Orphant to read with your Petioners Children, and
petioner understanding that John: Tarr of this County who marryed the Relict of the said Proffitt,
having disposest him Selfe of his Wifes right of the said lands doth and will endeavour to draw the sd
your petioners hands, Therefore your Petioner humbly craves that he may have the Guardianship of ye sd
what estate is left as being posessed with him allready, and your petioner shall give yor worps.Such Bond wth
Security as
your Worps shall reasonable require for the performance of Such injunctions as your worps shall lay
on your

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1689-1690
Volume 106, Page 168   View pdf image
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