Volume 106, Page 165 View pdf image |
(165) Given under our hands and Seals the day and year above written - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To John: Walton. John: Rowell or Philip Adams These Stephen. Luffe.? Sealed George.Layfield.? Sealed I doe hereby in their Maties Names authorize and Empower you Esau Boston to Sumon the above mentioned Evidences to appear at Rehoboth Town tomorrow by twelve a clock to give evidence agt the abovesd Charles who is attached by the above warrant, and is appointed to be ready by the time and place abovesd. given under my hand the day and year abovesd. ffrancis Jenkins. Maryland Somerset County Ssc. Know all men by these presents that I Charles: Johnson of the County aforesd Sawyer am holden and firmly bounden unto their Maties King William and Queen Mary in the full and just Sum of Twenty pound Sterling, due to be paid to their said Maties their heirs or Successors. to which payment well and truly to be made and done, I bind my selfe my heirs, Execcutors and Admrs firmly by these presents as wittness my hand and seal this 2d. day of July ano. Dom. 1690. & in ye 2d yeare of their Maties. Reign - - - - The Condition of this present Obligation is Such that if the above bounden Charles Johnson, shall personally appear before their Maties Justices of the peace for this County at a Court to be holden the 2d.tuesday in August next ensueing the date hereof, to doe and receive that which by the sd Court shall be then and their enjoyned him and that in the mean time and so long after as the sd Court shall See meet, he doe well abear and be of good behaviour, and keep their Maties peace, toward their sd Maties and all their Liedge people that then this present obligation to be void, or else to remain in full force and vertue his Sealed & delivered in presence of us. Charles I Johnson ? Sealed George: Layfield marke Rich: ffarewell. Maryland Somerset County Ssc. Know all men by these presents, that I John: Emmet of the County aforesd Carpenter am holden and firmly bounden unto their Maties, King Wm. & Queen Mary in the full and just Sum of Ten pounds Sterl. due to be paid to their Maties their Heirs or Successors, to which payment well and truly to be made and done, I bind my Selfe my heirs Execcuters and Admrs firmly by these as wittness my hand and seal this 2d. day of July in the 2d. year of their Maties Reign Ano Do 1690 The Condition of this prsent Obligation is such that if the above bounden John Emmet Shall bring and see forth coming by his personall appearance Charles:Johnson of this County Sawyer, before their Maties Justices of the peace for this County at a Court to be holden the 2d tuesday in August next ensueing the date hereof to do and receive that which by the sd Court shall be then and their enjoyned him and that in the mean time, and so long after as the sd Court shall see meet, he do well abear and be of good behaviour, and doe keep the peace of their Maties, both towards their sd Maties and all other their Liedge people, that then this prsent Obligation to be void or else to remain in full force and vertue Sealed and delivered in the presence of us. John: Emmet ? sealed George: Layfield Teague Riggon Junior & Esau Boston Sworne agt Johnson in Court Richard: ffarewell} The totall proceedings being Read, the sd Johnson being Sory for his misdemeanors humbly craves favour the Court having considered the premisses, do pass a fine upon the sd. Johnson according to Law for drunkeness and Swearing, Order given to find security for good behavior fines and fees --- And thereupon came the sd Johnson with Teague Riggin Senior, & did confess them Selves to be indebted to their Maties Johnson in 10, Sterling Riggen in 5,. Sterling to be leavyed on their goods and Chattels for their Maties uses &c. which acknowlegmt being performed then the Recognizance voyd / otherwayes to remain in full force and vertue. |
Volume 106, Page 165 View pdf image |
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