Volume 106, Page 164 View pdf image |
August 14th 1690 (164) - - - - - - - - - Their Maties agt The Indtmt being Read, the sd Murrah being at Barr to which James: Murrah he pleaded not guilty. denying to be the ffather of the Child. Therefore the Court binds him to good behavior, for which he is to find Security also to keep the County harmless from the Basterd Child. And thereupon came the sd Murrah with adam: Hitch, and did confess them Selves to be indebted Murrah in 10,. Hitch in 5,, sterling money of England to be levyed on their goods and Chattells for their Maties uses &c. The Condition of which Recognizance is Such that if the sd Murrah be of the good behaviour duereing the Courts pleasure, as also keep harmless the County from Baster child as, also pay fees due, then the Recogniz to be voyd and of none effect, otherwayes to be and remain in full power force and vertue. - Vide proceedings folio 48. Their Majesties Somerset County Ssc. / The Jurors for their Maties being Sworne upon the holy agt Evangelists at a grand Jury held for the body of this County the second tuesday in Thomas. Laramore. March last do present and find that Thomas Laramore of this County Planter at the Plantation of Samuel: Heydon of this County Planter, did clandestinly Secretly and felloniously, steal and carry away one Mare of the value of nine hundred ninety and nine pounds of tobacco, out of the inclosure and pasture of the said Samuel: Heyden without the knowledge consent or privity of the sd Owner Samuel: Heydon or any person unto him belonging, with a full and premeditated intent him of the said Mare to defraud and Cusson and cheat, which is a heinous and grievious Crime agt the public weal of this Province, a breach of the Laws both humane and devine, and agt the publick peace. Their Maties Attorney Craves judgmt may be entered agt the sd Offender according to Law in that Case made and provided. &c. James: Sangster Clk Indt. The Indictment Read and Quasht. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Somerset County Ssc. To the worll. their Maties Justices of the Peace for Somerset County The Petion of William: Joyles Junior. humbly Sheweth. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - That whereas the Satterday past being the 9th. day of this Instant, your Petioner being at the Indian Towne called Rockawawkin, and there did find his Mare Shott by some of the Indians & almost dead and your petioner did use means to gett the said Mare home but could not, but dyed presently after and being searched there was found these five and thirty shotts in her body. And your petioner making enquiry of the Indians who should be author of the mischief, could have not redress or satisfaction, So your poore Petioner humbly craves your worps to Order, that the great men of the said Town may be brought in and that an Order may be granted for the satisfaction of the said beast somewayes as your worps may think fitt And your petioner as in duty bound shall ever pray. Upon wch petion being read, and considered it was then Ordered that Capt John: Winder inspect into the matter and to bind over any person or persons suspected to have been either principals or accessary to the death of sd Mare. &c. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Their Majesties Somerset County in Maryland, Whereas Complaint has this day been made before us under agt written, two of their Maties Justices for this County aforesd by Esau Boston that this Charles: Johnson day to witt, the first day of July in the year of our Lord 1690. One Charles: Johnson - - - - - - - - - of this County Sawyer hath sworne the death of him the said Esau. The f-ore? therefore in their Maties names to will and require as also strictly charge and comand you or either of your to make search after the said Charles, and him having apprehended to bring before us or some other of their Maties Justices there to answer to such things as shall be objected agt him, and that ye sumon Teague Riggin Junior Samuel Long and John: Pitts against the sd Charles Johnson, for which this shall be your Sufficient warrant |
Volume 106, Page 164 View pdf image |
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