Volume 106, Page 134 View pdf image |
June 14th. 1690 (134) The Grand Jury being returned doe bring into Court this Indictment, upon wch. is endorsed Bill A Vera but no name with Wouldhaves Deposition as followeth. - - - - - - - Somerset County Ss / The Jurors for their Maties being sworne upon the holy Evangelists at a County Court held for the body of this County, doe present and find that Daniel Selby of this County Planter hath most C audaciously arrogantly and Contemptuously refuse and deny to be aiding and assisting to William: Wouldhave Constable after that the said Selby had been twice required in their Maties. Names by the said Wouldhave Constable, who upon the 19th.of May was in pursuite of James: Minor Cordwinder which sd Miner was their Maties Prisoner and escaped from the sd Constable and by him found at the house of the sd Selby. Now their Maties Attorny Comes and sayes that whereas the sd Minor by vertue of a Warrant from mr. Samuel: Hopkins, One of their Maties Comrs for this County was apprehended (on examination of Evidences for fellony comitted by his Nigro and himselfe by the said Constable and from him escaped where the said Selby did not only entertain, but after the Constable had there taken the sd Minor did peremtorily deny his asistance, but did aid defend and abscond the prisoner/ whereby he hath escaped and frustrated judgmt. and condigne punishment according to law, wherefore their Maties Attorny Craves judgmt. may be entered agt the said Selby for his contempt of their Maties. authority and abuse of governmt. according to law &c. James: Sangster Clk Indt. The Deposition of Wm: Wouldhave their Maties. Constable in Poguetenorton hundred, saith that being employed and impowred by Samuel: Hopkins One of their Maties. Justices of the Peace to apprehend and secure the body of James Minor and in order there unto Command and asistance from any person or persons as I the Deponent should see cause, the said Deponent makeing Search for the said Minor, did find him in the house of mr. Daniel: Selby, and the said Minor resisting and laying violent hands on the Deponent yr Deponent did Command the said Daniel: Selby in their Maties Names to aid and asist him, the which he the said Selby peremtorly refused saying it was not his business, neither would he doe it, but instead of asisting as was required, he was the only cause of the said Minors escape, your Deponent telling the said Selby he could not answer what he had done, the said Selby replyed, that the Deponent had no business there, the said Minor being escaped but not far from the said house, it being the 19th of this Instant month at night your Deponent desired the sd Selby to advize the said Minor not to stand it out against authority for it would be worse for him or with him soe to doe, and So departed the said Selbys house for that night and the next morning repaired thither again to see what might be affected in the premisses but all to no purpose, the said Minor made his escape towards Accamack this your deponent saith and further saith not. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - William: Wouldhave. Sworne before me this 26th: day of May 1690 Wittness my hand Samll: Hopkins |
Volume 106, Page 134 View pdf image |
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