VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1796.
A petition from Edward Dennis, late a soldier in
the third Maryland regiment, praying compensation
for his services, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Chapman, Mr.
Hopewell and
Mr. Broome, to consider and report thereon.
A petition from sundry inhabitants of Worcester county,
praying an act may pass for laying out
a road to Winnant's Landing, beginning at the county road which leads from
Snow Hill to the upper
end of the county, thence running on the line which divides the lands now
possessed by colonel
William Morris and Charles Hammond, and thence down through the lands now
possessed by James
Selby and Littleton Robins, and thence through a small part of said Robins's
land to the aforesaid
Winnant's Landing, as convenient to the owners may be, and that the said
road may become a
public road; they also pray, that half an acre of said Robins's land may
be condemned for the use
of a public landing; was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Wilson,
Mr. Robins and Mr. Duckett,
to consider and report thereon.
Mr. Brother has leave of absence for eight days.
A petition from John Lowe, of Prince-George's county,
praying an act of insolvency, was preferred,
read, and referred to the committee appointed on the petition of James
A petition from Daniel Bussard, of Frederick county,
stating that a suit was brought against him
by the state, and hat after a trial a verdict of a jury passed in his favour,
and a nonsuit against the
state, and praying an act may pass for paying him the costs of said suit,
was preferred, read, and referred
to Mr. Brother, Mr. Shriver and Mr. Quynn, junior, to consider and report
Mr. Philip B. Key, a delegate returned for the city
of Annapolis, appeared, and after qualifying
in the mode prescribed by the constitution and form of government, and
taking the oath to support
the constitution of the United States, took his seat in the house.
A petition from Thomas Gassaway, of Anne-Arundel county,
praying an act of insolvency, was
preferred, read, and referred to the committee on petitions of a similar
A petition from negroes Jacob, Patt and Grace, praying
an act may pass to make valid a deed of
manumission from Mary Kennedy, which was recorded through mistake in the
general court office,
was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Robins, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Sherwood,
to consider and
report thereon.
Mr. Speaker laid before the house a letter from Benjamin
Harwood, trustee for the state of Maryland,
of this day, enclosing an account current of the funded stock to the first
instant, and an account
current of dividends of interest and principal received to the first of
October last; which was
ORDERED, That the printer to the state strike one hundred
copies of the said accounts for the
use of the general assembly.
On motion, RESOLVED, That the printer to the state strike
one hundred copies of all public bills
reported to this house, for the use of the members.
Mr. John C. Thomas has leave of absence until Monday
On motion, leave given to bring in a bill to settle
and ascertain the salary of members of the
council for the ensuing year. ORDERED, That Mr. W. Thomas, Mr. Quynn
and Mr. Barroll,
be a committee to prepare and bring in the same.
Mr. Robins, from the committee brings in and delivers
to Mr. Speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of negroes
Jacob, Patt and Grace, report,
that they find the facts stated in said petition to be true, and are of
opinion a law ought to pass
to make valid the deed of manumission mentioned in the said petition, and
to authorise the clerk of
the county court of Talbot to record the same, agreeably to the prayer
of the said petition. All
which is submitted to the house.
By order,
J. HARWOOD, clk.
Which was read.
Mr. W. Thomas, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to Mr. Speaker a bill, entitled, An
act to settle and ascertain the salary of members of the council for the
ensuing year; which was read
the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
Mr. Wilson, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to Mr. Speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition
of sundry inhabitants of Worcester county,
report, that they have considered the same, and are of opinion, that so
far as it contemplates a condemnation
of land for a public road, it is reasonable, and ought to be granted.
As to that part of
the petition praying for the condemnation of a lot for a public landing,
your committee are of opinion
that the power of the legislature ought to be exercised with caution, and
submit to the house
the propriety of its interposition for that purpose in the present case.
All which is submitted.
By order,
J. HARWOOD, clk.
Which was read.
Mr. Ridout, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to Mr. Speaker the following report:
THE committee of elections and privileges report,
that they have inspected the returns of the
sheriffs of the several counties, and of the mayor and aldermen of the
city of Annapolis, and the
commissioners of Baltimore-town, and find, that by the said returns the
following persons are elected
and duly returned as members of the house of delegates, to wit: For
Saint-Mary's county, William
Thomas, James Hopewell, Wilfred Neale, and Philip Key, Esquires; for Kent
county, William
Spencer, William Barroll, Robert Buchanan, junior, and John Lambert Wilmer,
for Anne-Arunel county, Horatio Ridout, John Chew Thomas, William Brogden,
and Edward
Hall, Esquires; for Calvert county, William D. Broome, William Sprigg,
Peter Emerson, and
Thomas Bourne, Esquires; for Charles county, Henry Hendley Chapman, John
Thomas, John