VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1796.
5. If two or more members shall rise to speak
at the same time, the speaker shall determine which
shall speak first.
6. No members shall speak oftener that twice in
any debate, except with leave, nor shall any
member be interrupted while speaking in order.
7. Any member called to order by the speaker,
or any member, shall thereupon take his seat.
8. When the house is sitting, no member shall
hold conversation to interrupt debate.
9. No motion shall be debated until the same be
seconded, and (if desired by the speaker or any
member) reduced to writing, delivered in at the table, and read by the
10. When a motion is made and seconded, the matter
of the motion shall receive a determination
by the question, or be postponed by the previous question, before any other
motion shall be
11. Every question shall be entered on the journal,
and the yeas and nays shall be taken when
required by three members who shall have divided on the question.
12. The previous question, that is, Whether the
question propounded be now put? may be called
for by any member on any question, except to an amendment, or other
matter which cannot in its
nature be postponed.
13. If a question in debate contains more distinct
parts than one, any member may, of right,
have the same divided into as many questions as parts.
14. All questions shall be determined by a majority
of the members present, those dividing in
the affirmative rising in their places, those in the negative continuing
in their seats, until a decision
by the speaker.
15. Whenever the speaker shall decide any question,
the same shall be final, unless the yeas and
nays be required.
16. Every bill originated in this house, or received
from the senate, shall be read on two several
days, with an intermission of one day at least, during which time it shall
lie on the table for the
perusal of the members, unless on very urgent occasions the house shall,
by especial order, dispense
with this rule, which order shall be entered on the journal.
17. Conferrees, and members appointed on draughts,
if required by a member, shall be elected by
ballot, and the number shall in no case exceed seven.
18. No bill or resolve shall have a second reading
until every member in the city be called upon to
attend, except he be excused by the house for indisposition, or necessary
attendance on the public
19. No petition, memorial, or other application
to the house, shall be received, unless presented
by a member.
20. On an election to any office of trust or profit,
no ballot shall be counted, unless the person
for whom the ballot shall be given be named to the house before the balloting
be gone into.
21. All questions of order shall be determined
by the speaker.
22. No motion shall be made after the hour of
adjournment, without leave of the house.
23. All misdemeanours which shall happen in the
house, shall be censured or fined by the house.
24. No member shall answer on the yeas and nays
who did not divide on the question, and if any
member divides on one side, and answers on the other on the yeas and nays,
the same shall be noted
on the journal at the request of any member.
25. All fines imposed by the house shall be paid
to the clerk, and applied as the house shall direct.
26. The substance of all petitions, memorials
or other applications, shall be entered on the journal.
27. The clerk of the house shall, during the first
week of the session, put into the hands of the
speaker a correct list of all papers referred from the preceding session.
28. On motion or debate, any member may call for
the reading any law, journal, record or other
public proceeding, which may relate to the subject matter.
29. No member shall take out of the house any
bill, or other paper belonging to the house, without
the leave of the speaker, under the penalty of such fine as may be imposed
by the speaker, not
exceeding forty shillings.
30. No member shall nominate more than one person
on any committee.
31. All the members present shall divide on every
question, unless excused by the house, or on
calling the yeas and nays his refusal shall be noted on the journal at
the request of any member.
32. Whenever a motion shall be made, or question
propounded to the house, and not seconded,
no other business shall be received until the speaker shall inform the
house that the motion or proposition
first made is not seconded.
33. When the house adjourns, every member shall
rise in his place, and remain until the speaker
go forth.
All which is submitted to the house.
By order,
J. W. KING, clk.
Which was read the first and second time and concurred with.
ORDERED, That the printer to the state strike eighty
copies of the said report for the use of the
The house adjourns till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.
A Y, November 11, 1796.
THE house met. Present the same members as
on yesterday, except Mr. Nicholson. The
proceedings of yesterday were read.