VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1796.
The house appointed Mr. William Harwood clerk, and
Mr. John Bowie Duckett assistant clerk.
ORDERED, That they qualify as such, by taking the several oaths required,
subscribing a declaration
of their belief in the christian religion, and by taking an oath that they
will honestly, faithfully and
diligently, discharge the office of clerk, and assistant clerk, to the
house of delegates, and that they
will not reveal or disclose the secrets thereof.
The house appointed Mr. Cornelius Mills sergeant at
arms, and Mr. John Trueman door-keeper.
ORDERED, That they be qualified.
On motion, ORDERED, That Mr. Ridout and Mr. Chapman
wait on his excellency the Governor,
and inform him that this house is met, and are ready to proceed on public
business, and to receive
any communications he may think proper to lay before them.
On motion, ORDERED, That Mr. Ridout, Mr. Duckett, Mr.
Barroll, Mr. Quynn and Mr.
Robins, be a committee to inspect and examine the returns of elections,
and report whether they
have been made agreeably to the mode prescribed by the constitution and
form of government; and
that they have full power to send for persons, papers and records.
On motion, ORDERED, That Mr. Robins, Mr. Hall, Mr. W.
Thomas, Mr. Reintzel, Mr.
Brogden, Mr. Chapman and Mr. Nicholson, be a committee of claims, and that
they have power
to send for persons, papers and records.
On motion, ORDERED, That Mr. Ridout, Mr. Buchanan, Mr.
Baker, Mr. Jarrett and Mr.
Wilson, be a committee of grievances and courts of justice, and that they
have power to send for
persons, papers and records.
On motion, ORDERED, That Mr. Ridout, Mr. Robins, Mr.
Clarke, Mr. J. C. Thomas and
Mr. Duckett, be a committee to inquire what laws have expired, or will
expire with the session.
On motion, ORDERED, That Mr. Jarrett, Mr. Goldsborough
and Mr. Spencer, be a committee
to report such rules as are proper to be observed during this session.
On motion, ORDERED, That Mr. Quynn inform the reverend
Mr. Higinbothom that the house
request he will perform divine service every morning at the meeting of
the house.
The house adjourns till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.
S D A Y, November
10, 1796.
THE house met. Present the same members as
on yesterday. The proceedings of yesterday
were read. Mr. John C. Beatty, a delegate returned for Allegany county,
appeared, and
after qualifying in the mode prescribed by the constitution and form of
government, and taking the
oath to support the constitution of the United States, took his seat in
the house.
The house proceeded to ballot for committee clerks,
and the ballots being deposited in the ballot
box, the gentlemen named to strike after some time reported, that Mr. Joseph
Harwood, Mr. Josias
Wilson King, Mr. Samuel Luckett and Mr. Zero Babel Hughes, were elected.
ORDERED, That they be qualified.
Mr. Nicholson delivers to Mr. Speaker a report from
Richard Tilghman and Robert Walters, respecting
the state of the books, records and papers, in the several offices of Queen-Anne's
agreeably to the resolution of the last session of assembly; which was
RESOLVED, That this house will sit, for the dispatch
of public business during this session, from
nine o'clock in the morning until 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill declaring
the right of personal liberty, and redressing
the injuries thereto. ORDERED, That Mr. Robins, Mr. Wilson and Mr.
Barroll, be a committee
to prepare and bring in the same.
A petition from James Dunn, of Kent county, praying
an act of insolvency, was preferred, read,
and referred to Mr. Hopewell, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Duckett, Mr. Ridout, Mr.
Barroll, Mr. Wilson
and Mr. Brother, to consider and report thereon.
A petition from Jane Lindsey, of Charles county, praying
a small allowance may be levied on the
county for the support of her son, who is afflicted with a rheumatic affection
of the back and limbs,
was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Chapman, Mr. Campbell and Mr.
Hollingsworth, to consider
and report thereon.
A petition from Eleanor Shuman, of Frederick county,
stating, that her husband, who was executed
as a refugee during the late war, was possessed of sundry tracts of land
in said county, but
that he had not procured deeds of conveyance for the same, and that she
is informed that the said
lands are liable to confiscation, and praying the state's right may
be released, was preferred, read,
and referred to Mr. Ridout, Mr. Quynn, junior, and Mr. W. Beatty, to consider
and report thereon.
Mr. Nicholson has leave of absence for two weeks.
Mr. Jarrett, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to Mr. Speaker the following report:
THE committee appointed to report the rules proper
to be observed during this session, beg
leave to submit the following:
1. At the hour appointed for sitting the roll
of the house shall be called over, and the absent members,
if any, sent for.
2. Every member shall take his seat when the speaker
takes the chair, and remain uncovered till
the house rises.
3. Every member who shall deliver his opinion,
or speak in any debate, shall rise, and respectfully
address himself to the speaker.
4. No member, at the time of his speaking in debate,
shall name any other by his proper name,
but shall use some other distinction.