VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1796.
In the 2d line of the 18th page strike out the word "which: and insert
as follows: " And that the
said rates, under the limitation aforesaid, shall be collected at such
places, and in such proportions
at the said respective places, as the president and directors of the said
company, or a majority of
them, may from time to time determine, and that the said." In the
same line strike out the words
" are to." In the 2d line of the 19th page strike out the word "twenty"
and insert the word
"ten." In the 1st line of the 21st page strike out the word "twenty"
and insert the word "ten."
In the 9th line of the same page, after the word "enacted" insert " That
in case a sufficient sum of
money shall not be raised in manner aforesaid for the purpose of completing
the words above mentioned,
that." In the 12th line of the same page strike out the word
"hundred." In the last line
of the same page strike out the word "hundred."
Which amendments, upon the second reading of the said
bill, were agreed to, and the bill passed
with the said amendments.
On motion, ORDERED, That the resolution granting
a loan to the city of Washington be read
the second time at ten o'clock to-morrow morning.
The clerk of the house of delegates delivers to
the clerk of the senate the bill, entitled, an act
for recording the deed therein mentioned, with the following message:
By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, December 16, 1796.
WE have received your message, and now return you
the bill, entitled, An act for recording the
deed therein mentioned, with the amendment of yesterday struck out, in
hopes that you will pass it
on reconsideration. We are satisfied that the principles of this
bill have often influenced the legislature,
and many instances, if necessary, might be cited. If any amendments
occurring to you as
protective of creditors or rights acquired antecedent to the execution
of said deed are made known
or communicated to us, we will give them all necessary consideration.
By order,
W. HARWOOD, clk.
The senate adjourns until to-morrow morning 10 o'clock.
R D A Y,
December 17, 1796.
THE senate met. Present the same members as
on yesterday. The honourable Charles Ridgely,
of Hampton, Esquire, appeared in the senate. The proceedings of yesterday
were read.
The honourable David McMechen, Esquire, appeared in the senate, and qualified
before Allen
Quynn, Esquire, one of the justices of the peace for Anne-Arundel county,
agreeable to the constitution
and form of government and laws of this state.
The clerk of the house of delegates delivers to the
clerk of the senate a bill, entitled, An act for
the preservation of the breed of fish in Patuxent river, thus endorsed;
" By the house of delegates,
" December 15, 1796: Read the first time and ordered to lie on the
" By order,
W. HARWOOD, clk.
" By the house of delegates, December 17, 1796: Read the second time
and will pass.
" By order,
W. HARWOOD, clk."
Which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
The resolution granting a loan to the city of Washington
was read the second time and assented to.
The president communicates to the senate a letter from
Ninian Pinkney, addressed to both
branches of the legislature, soliciting a compensation for furnishing the
senate with a copy of the
argument made in favour of the state's claim to bank stock now depending
in the high chancery
court of England; was read and referred to the consideration of the
house of delegates, and
sent thither by the clerk.
The message respecting the bill, entitled, An act for
recording the deed therein mentioned, was
read, and on motion, ORDERED, That the senate proceed to consider the said
bill on Thursday
next, provided a copy of this order be delivered to James Price, executor
of William Tripp, or
left at his last place of abode, before the twentieth day of December instant.
And whereas the petitioners are not in a situation to
attend to the delivery of the above order, and
defray the expences incurred thereby, ORDERED, That the president of the
senate be requested to
send a special messenger for that purpose, at the expence of the state.
The clerk of the house of delegates delivers to
the clerk of the senate the following resolutions:
By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, December 17, 1796.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore place
to the credit of the securities of Patrick
Hamilton, late sheriff and collector of Cæcil county, fifty-two pounds
six shillings and nine-pence,
with interest from the first day of September, one thousand seven hundred
and eighty-seven,
being the dividend of a claim which said Hamilton had against the estate
of Robert Christie, which
was confiscated by this state; provided that said securities give bond
to the state for payment of
said money, with interest, should it hereafter appear that they are
not entitled to a credit therefor.
By order,
W. HARWOOD, clk.
By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, December 17, 1796.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be
and he is hereby directed to pay unto
Vachel Stevens, of the city of Annapolis, or his order, out of any unappropriated
money in the
treasury, the sum of sixty pounds ten shillings, being the amount of money
erroneously paid to the
state by a certain William Hanson, deceased, and to which money the said
Vachel Stevens is entitled
by virtue of a contract made by him with the trustee of said Hanson.
By order,
W. HARWOOD, clk.