1796. |
Lands to be
&c. |
to the said parish as they may think proper, and the money arising
from such
sales to invest in real or other property, in their discretion, for
the use and benefit
of the said parish.
III. Provided
nevertheless, and be it enacted, That the said vestry shall not
invest in real estate a greater sum of money arising from such sales
than two
thousand pounds current money of Maryland.
IV. And be it
enacted, That the lands, tenements and other property, which
may be purchased by the said vestry in pursuance of this act, shall
be conveyed
to and vested in the vestry of William and Mary parish, as trustees
of the said
parish. |
Passed December
30. |
An ACT to empower the levy court of Anne-Arundel county to
assess a sum of money for the purpose therein mentioned. |
Justices to levy
money, &c. |
WHEREAS Anne Welsh, of Anne-Arundel county, by her petition
to this general assembly has set forth, that she is, through age and
infirmities, rendered incapable of maintaining her daughter Ciney
Welsh, (now in her thirtieth year, and an idiot from her birth,) and
that her
said daughter is not capable of helping herself in any manner, and
prays that a
law may pass for the support of her daughter out of the poor-house;
and the
prayer of the said petition appearing reasonable,
II. Be it enacted,by
the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of
Anne-Arundel county shall be and they are hereby directed and empowered,
their levy courts annually, so long as they may see cause, to assess
and levy on
said county a sum of money, not exceeding forty dollars, for the support
maintenance of the said Ciney Welsh, daughter of the aforesaid Anne
and that the same be collected and paid annually to the aforesaid Anne
Welsh by
the collector or collectors of Anne-Arundel county, agreeable to the
order of the
levy court aforesaid. |
Passed December
30. |
An ACT to prevent hogs from going at large at George-town
Cross Roads, in Kent county. |
No person to
raise or keep
hogs, &c.
Persons sued
may plead,
&c. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that sundry persons
do raise and keep great number of hogs, and suffer them to go
and remain at large, within said village, to the great injury of the
inhabitants thereof;
II. Be it enacted,by
the General Assembly of Maryland, That after the end
of this session of assembly it shall not be lawful for any person or
persons whatsoever
to raise or keep any hog or hogs within said village, except in enclosures;
and if any hog or hogs shall be found going and remaining at large
within the
said village, it shall and may be lawful for any person to impound
the same, and
such person shall immediately give notice, by advertisements set up
at the most
public places in said village, describing the hog or hogs so impounded,
and if
the owner or owners thereof shall not, within ten days thereafter,
prove his or
her property therein, and make compensation for the injury, if any,
which may
have been sustained by any inhabitant of said village, to be ascertained
by any
two disinterested persons, inhabitants as aforesaid, and shall not
pay for each hog
so impounded two shillings for every day it shall have been impounded,
it may
be lawful for the person or persons so impounding as aforesaid to sell
or kill the
same for his, her or their own use and benefit.
III. And be it
enacted, That if any person or persons shall be sued and impleaded
for killing, destroying or selling, any hog or hogs as aforesaid, the
defendant or defendants may plead the general issue, and give this
act and the
special matter in evidence; and if the plaintiff shall be nonsuit,
or discontinue |