JOHN H. STONE, Esquire, Governor.
1796. |
and in such case all and every of the powers hereby vested in the said
or a majority of them, for opening said canal, and all powers heretofore
in any manner vested in any other persons by virtue of the aforesaid
act, entitled,
An Act to empower the commissioners of Baltimore-town to make a correct
of the said town, and for other purposes therein mentioned, so far
as the
same relate to the said canal, shall cease and be at an end. |
XLV. |
An ACT to correct a misnomer in an act, entitled, An act concerning
the bank stock. |
Passed December
30. |
WHEREAS by an act of the general assembly of this state, passed at
November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-one, entitled, An
act concerning the bank stock, it is, amongst other things, provided,
that Samuel Chase, Esquire, the agent and trustee of this state for
the recovery
of the stock of the bank of England belonging to this state, on obtaining
a decree
in the chancery court of Great-Britain for the said stock, and an assignment
and transfer thereof from the accountant-general of the said court
of chancery,
and for payment of any money in the hands of the said accountant-general,
in the hands of Sylvanus Grove, late and only surviving trustee of
the said stock,
and not invested in the purchase of stock, should be authorised and
to assign, transfer and pay, all bank stock and money by him received,
deducting his commission therefrom, unto Sir James Herries, William
Joshua Johnson and Horatio Claggett, of the city of London, merchants,
who were thereby appointed trustees on behalf of this state to receive
from the said agent the said transfer and payment, and they were thereby
authorised and required to receive the dividends arising on the said
stock, and invest
them from time to time in the purchase of more stock, and to return
annual account of their proceedings to the governor of this state,
and to act
and do certain other things in the premises: And whereas it was
the intention
of the general assembly to delegate said powers to a certain Sir Robert
instead of Sir James Herries, above named;
II. Be it enacted,by
the General Assembly of Maryland, That all powers,
authority and trust, by the above in part recited act delegated or
committed to
the said Sir James Herries, be and the same revoked, annulled and made
and that Sir Robert Herries, of the city of London, merchant, henceforth
possess and enjoy, all the power, authority and trust, by the aforesaid
act given
to the said Sir James Herries, in as full and ample a degree as if
the name of
the said Sir Robert Herries had been inserted in the said act in lieu
and in place of
the name of Sir James Herries, any thing in said act to the contrary
notwithstanding. |
Powers revoked,
&c. |
An ACT to authorise and empower the vestry of William and
Mary parish, in Charles county, to sell and dispose
of the negroes
belonging to said parish, and for other purposes. |
Passed December
30. |
WHEREAS the rector, vestrymen, churchwardens, and the other inhabitants
of William and Mary parish, in Charles county, by their
petition to this general assembly have represented, that there are
to the said parish a number of negroes, many of whom are unfit for
labour, and are expensive to the said parish, and have prayed that
a law may pass
to authorise and empower the vestry of the said parish to dispose of
all or so many
of the said negroes as they may think proper; and it appearing to this
assembly that the prayer of the said petitioners ought to be granted,
II. Be it enacted,by
the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and
may be lawful for the vestry of William and Mary parish, in Charles
and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to sell and dispose of,
by private
or at public sale, upon a credit or for ready money as they may judge
most conducive
to the interest of the said parish, all or so many of the negroes belonging |
Vestry may
sell, &c. |