JOHN H. STONE, Esquire, Governor.
1796. |
his suit, he shall pay costs, and such damages to the defendant or
defendants as
the court shall adjudge. |
A Further supplement to an act, entitled, An act to establish a
market at the market-house in Chester-town, in Kent
and for the regulation of the said market. |
Passed December
30. |
WHEREAS there is no provision made in the act to which this is a
supplement against the offences of forestalling and engrossing articles
brought to the market-house in Chester-town for sale; And whereas
it is represented to this general assembly, that the said offences
have become very
frequent and prejudicial to the inhabitants of the said town,
II. Be it enacted,by
the General Assembly of Maryland, That any person or
persons who, from and after the first day of February next, shall engross
or get
into his, her or their hands or possession, by purchase, contract or
either within the said market-house or any where within two miles thereof,
victuals or provisions whatever, (except fish and oysters, beef by
the quarter or
larger quantity, pork by the hog or hogs, corn, flour and bread, butter
in vessels
exceeding twenty pounds net, cheese, beef and pork in barrels or larger
live cattle, sheep and hogs,) with the intent to sell the same again
within the
space of twenty days, shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay
the sum of
fifty shillings current money, to be recovered by warrant before any
of the peace for Kent county, with costs, in the name of the presiding
justice of
the orphans court of Kent county; and it is hereby declared to be the
of the clerk of the said market to institute process for the recovery
of the same.
III. And be it
enacted, That all fines and penalties imposed and to be recovered
by virtue of this act, shall be applied to the purposes, and in the
manner, that fines, forfeitures and penalties, are directed to be applied
by the
act to which this is a supplement. |
Penalty on
persons engrossing,
How fines,
&c. are to be
applied. |
An ACT to record Peters, Deakins, Beatty and Threlkeld's addition
to George-town, in Montgomery county. |
Passed December
30. |
WHEREAS Robert Peters, William Deakins, junior, John Threlkeld,
and others, inhabitants of George-town, in Montgomery county, by
their petition to this general assembly have set forth, that the addition
to George-town aforesaid, laid out by Robert Peters, William Deakins,
junior, Charles Beatty and John Threlkeld, containing sixty-five lots,
by an act of the general assembly of this state, passed in the year
seventeen hundred
and eighty-four, entitled, An act for an addition to George-town, is
recorded, have prayed, that an act may pass to record the same in the
clerk's office
of the territory of Columbia; therefore,
II. Be it enacted,by
the General Assembly of Maryland, That the plot made
out by Francis Deakins, and directed by the act of seventeen hundred
and eighty-four
to be deposited with the commissioners of George-town aforesaid, be
the same is hereby directed, together with the courses and distances
of each and
every lot, street, lane or alley, in said addition, to be recorded
among the records
of the territory of Columbia.
III. Be it enacted,
That the mayor of George-town, for the time being is
hereby authorised and required to ask, demand and receive, the said
plot, and such
other papers as were prepared or made out by Francis Deakins relating
to said
addition, prior to the passage of the act of seventeen hundred and
authorising the same, and that the person or persons holding the said
plot or
other papers hereby directed to be recorded, be and the same are hereby
to deliver the same to the mayor aforesaid without delay; and the said
mayor is
hereby required to deliver, as soon as may be, the said plot, and such
other papers |
Plot to be recorded.
Mayor may
demand the
plot, &c. |