subcommittees concerning possible modi-
fication of Rule 50 [54], relating to recon-
sideration, and also to the possibility of
requiring certain amendments to the Com-
mittee recommendations to be in writing
when these reach the floor.
THE PRESIDENT: Are there any
further announcements by committee chair-
men? Delegate Bradshaw?
from Montgomery County will meet for
just about two minutes immediately on ad-
journment in the House lounge behind the
rostrum. Thank you.
THE PRESIDENT: Are there any other
You have had placed on your desks this
afternoon a mimeographed copy of the
Rules of the Convention containing all
amendments which have been adopted to
date. We hope that the Rules Committee
will finish its consideration of the other
amendments very shortly, and that this will
enable the staff to have the rules printed
in convenient form for your use during
the debates.
May I suggest that you look the rules
over carefully as now reproduced, so that
if you have any suggestions or changes,
you submit them promptly to the Commit-
tee on Rules.
You also have on your desks a yellow
sheet containing information supplied to
you by the Committee on Public Informa-
tion. I suggest you read this and avail
yourselves of the services of that Commit-
tee, and of the public information office.
Are there any delegates present now who
were absent at roll call, who desire to indi-
cate their presence? Delegate Lord?
DELEGATE LORD: I would like to
record my presence.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Boyles?
DELEGATE BOYLES: I would like to
report my presence.
THE PRESIDENT: Do any other dele-
gates desire to indicate their presence?
The Chair recognizes Delegate Powers,
Chairman of the Committee on Calendar
and Agenda.
I move we adjourn until 2:00 P.M. tomor-
THE PRESIDENT: All those in favor,
signify by saying Aye; opposed, No. The
Ayes have it. It is so ordered. |
(Whereupon, at 4:25 P.M., the Conven-
tion was adjourned to reconvene at 2:00
P.M. on Tuesday, October 17, 1967.)
OCTOBER 17, 1967—2:00 P.M.
THE PRESIDENT: The Sergeant-at-
Arms will clear the aisles and close the
The Convention will please come to order.
The invocation today will be offered by
the Reverend Raymond M. Crowe of the
Ferndale Methodist Church, Ferndale,
Our Father, Who art in Heaven, as we
have gathered here in this very important
assembly here today, we realize how good
Thou art to each of us. Next, we realize
the tremendous responsibility that is rest-
ing upon each of our shoulders as we repre-
sent this beloved State of ours. Guide the
activities of this session and of each of the
sessions. May we feel that we are doing
the best possible job, knowing that we are
working under the sight of the Almighty.
May we understand the great future that
is ahead of us. We need to live for the
time in which we find ourselves but we need
to live honorably and righteously. Guide us
in the attainment of that goal. Use us, each
one, that we might be greater servants
unto Thee and unto those whom we repre-
In Jesus' name we ask our prayer.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Roll
(Whereupon the roll call was taken.)
THE PRESIDENT: Have all delegates
indicated their presence?
(There was no response.)
The Clerk will record the roll call.
There being a quorum present, the Con-
vention is in session.
The Chair recognizes Delegate Powers,
Chairman of the Committee on Calendar
and Agenda. |