the Committee on the Executive Branch
will not meet this afternoon. Tomorrow
morning at 10:45 A.M. we will have as a
witness former Governor Driscoll of New
Jersey. Governor Driscoll is also president
of the National Municipal League.
After we have. concluded with Governor
Driscoll, we expect to start the decision
stage of our undertaking. I hope that will
be starting tomorrow afternoon.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Mudd.
DELEGATE MUDD: Mr. President, the
Committee on Judicial Branch will meet
again at 3:00 P.M. immediately following
the conclusion of this session at which time
we will consider Delegate Proposal No.
262, introduced by Delegate Carson and
having to do with the office of sheriff. We
will also pursue that subject further this
afternoon by at the same time considering
Delegate Proposal No. 262 and 290. To-
morrow morning we resume hearing wit-
nesses and have the privilege of hearing
from Vice-President James at 10:00 A.M.,
Executive Director Karlen of the Institute
of Judicial Administration at 10:30 A.M.,
Honorable Perry Bowen of the Prince Fred-
erick Circuit Court at 11:30 A.M.
At this time, Mr. President, I would like
to remind the delegates that the Conven-
tion's Committee on the Judicial Branch is
making a final effort to have the benefit of
the views of all witnesses who might like
to appear before this committee at a public
hearing to be held next Monday evening at
7:30 P.M. in the Shaw House. We are ad-
vertising this meeting in the newspapers
and via radio but I take this opportunity to
invite any delegates who might wish to ap-
pear before the Committee on the Judicial
Branch who have not yet been extended an
invitation or who have not communicated
his or her desire to us, and if the delegates
have constituents who wish to be heard
before the Committee on Judicial Branch,
we welcome them at the public meeting
next Monday night at the Shaw House at
7:30 P.M. Thank you.
THE PRESIDENT: Are there any fur-
ther announcements? Delegate Koss?
DELEGATE KOSS: Mr. President, the
Committee on Suffrage and Elections will
reconvene at 2:45 P.M. this afternoon and
again tomorrow morning at 10:00 A.M.
I would like to remind all the delegates
who have introduced proposals referred to
our committee that you have each received
an invitation to contact us if you would |
like to appear on your proposal. The time is
rapidly running out and we will be lenient
in terms of scheduling. I would urge all of
you please to get in touch with us as soon
as possible if you do in fact want to meet
with the committee.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Gallagher.
dent, and ladies and gentlemen: The Com-
mittee on the Legislative Branch will be
somewhat separated this afternoon. I have
asked Mrs. Miller, Mr. Hanson, Mr. Bam-
berger, Mr. Peters, and Mr. Bard to return
to the joint hearing in the Assembly Room
of the State Office Building to continue
with the Local Government panel. I would
ask the rest of the Committee, other than
those mentioned, to return to our regular
committee room, H-8, at 3:00 P.M. where
we are going to hear from a representative
of the League of Women Voters.
We will meet tonight at 7:30 P.M. and,
beginning tomorrow, the day sessions will
be devoted to hearing some of the more
veteran legislative representatives who ap-
peared before the General Assembly in vari-
ous guises and various years as lobbyists.
We also have a hearing tomorrow night at
7:30 P.M.
Finally I would mention we are so ar-
ranging our schedule next week that every
member of the Committee will be able to
go on the boat ride if he so desires.
THE PRESIDENT: Are there any fur-
ther announcements? Delegate Penniman.
to announce that there will be a meeting
of the Committee on Style at 5:00 P.M. at
which time we hope to have Mr. Grad, who
has been testifying today before the Local
Government and Legislative Committee and
we will have certainly John Brooks who
will meet with us then at 5:00 P.M.
THE PRESIDENT: Are there any fur-
ther announcements? Delegate Moser?
DELEGATE MOSER: Mr. President, I
am not sure that Mr. Grad has been ad-
vised yet that he is meeting with Delegate
Penniman's Committee but I believe he will
be there and possibly will be available at
4:30 P.M. if this earlier time might be
helpful. The Local Government Committee
will continue along with members of the
Legislative Branch Committee in the State
Office Building Assembly Room this after-
noon at 3:00 P.M. The witnesses will be Mr.
Grad, Dr. Everstine, Mr. Grain, and Mr.
Marbury. |