A PROPOSAL that a state's attorney for
each county and Baltimore City, shall be
elected by the voters on a nonpartisan
basis for a term of six years.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 353 is referred to the Committee on the
Executive Branch.
Delegate Proposal No. 354. The Clerk will
read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 354, by Delegate Johnson. Title,
A PROPOSAL that judges of the ap-
pellate courts shall be appointed by the
governor from a list of three to five eli-
gible persons nominated by a judicial nomi-
nating commission of six lawyers and six
laymen; that judges of the trial courts
shall be appointed by the governor after
consideration of nominations proposed by
lawyers, practicing in the county or district
where the vacancy exists; that at the next
general statewide election following the ex-
piration of one year from the date of
appointment, and every twelve years there-
after, judges of the appellate courts shall
be subject to approval or rejection by the
electorate of the State; that at the next
gubernatorial general election following
the date of appointment, judges of the trial
courts shall be subject to approval or re-
jection by the electorate of the respective
county or district, for a term of sixteen
years, and if elected, shall be subject
thereafter to approval or rejection every
eight years; and that commissioners of the
District Court, and clerks of court shall
be appointed,
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 354 is referred to the Committee on the
Judicial Branch.
Delegate Proposal No. 355. The Clerk will
read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 355, by Delegates Sybert, Armor, Car-
son, Cicone, Fornos, Harris, Pullen, Kath-
leen Robie, Rollins, Stern, Vecera, Willis,
and Wheatley. Title,
A PROPOSAL that establishes the quali-
fications, election, term of office, powers,
and duties of the comptroller of the treasury.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 355 is referred to the Committee on the
Executive Branch. There is a memorandum
accompanying Delegate Proposal No. 355.
The next items are motions and resolu-
tions. Resolution No. 15. The Clerk will
read the resolution. |
READING CLERK: Resolution No. 15,
by Delegate Beatrice Miller.
A RESOLUTION suggesting that each
committee give consideration to the merits
of substantive issues before it.
THE PRESIDENT: The Chair recog-
nizes Delegate Scanlan.
further reading of Resolution No. 15 be
dispensed with and the resolution be con-
sidered as having been read.
THE PRESIDENT: Is there a second?
(The motion was duly seconded.)
THE PRESIDENT: Moved and seconded
that so much be considered as reading the
entire resolution. All those in favor, sig-
nify by saying Aye; contrary, No. It is so
A memorandum accompanies Resolution
No. 15. Are there any other motions or
resolutions? Resolution No. 15 is referred
to the Committee on Rules, Credentials and
Convention Budget.
Each of you should have on your desk
the Secretary's Memoranda Numbers 18
and 19, which I call to your attention just
to be sure you have it.
The only other announcement I have to
make is the obvious one but on behalf of all
of us I welcome back Delegate Hanson who
actually returned to the fold yesterday but
I did not have the opportunity to welcome
him. I do not know whether he is in a posi-
tion to make an announcement as to the
incubation period or not.
I am assured by my physician that the in-
cubation period has passed. I want to thank
you and to thank the other delegates for
the solicitude shown me during my illness.
I understand that there are sixty-seven
members of this Convention who have not
had the mumps. I come by this information
from a letter sent to me by my committee
chairman, Mr. Gallagher, which mentioned
there had been a vote here urging my com-
plete convalescence or complete cure which
had passed by a vote of seventy to sixty-
I want also to thank the individual mem-
bers who expressed concern for me and
particularly to thank the anonymous dele-
gates who sent me a crock of sauerkraut.
THE PRESIDENT: Any announcements
by committee chairmen? Delegate Morgan. |