READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 346, by Delegate Beatrice Miller. Title,
A PROPOSAL that every candidate for
the General Assembly shall upon filing for
office make full disclosure of his financial,
business, and professional interests and
associations according to law, and that in
the event of his election neither he nor
any agency or partnership in which he is
involved shall represent a client for a fee
before any state agency except the courts.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 346 is referred to the Committee on
Suffrage and Elections.
Delegate Proposal No. 347. The Clerk
will read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 347, by Delegate Beatrice Miller. Title,
A PROPOSAL that only a qualified voter
of the State of Maryland, resident herein
for at least two years preceding his elec-
tion or appointment, shall be eligible as a
senator or delegate; that to be eligible as
a senator he shall have attained the age of
twenty-five years, and to be eligible as a
delegate he shall have attained the age of
twenty-one years; and that neither he nor
any agency or partnership in which he is
involved shall represent a client for a fee
before any state agency except the courts
during his term of office.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 347 is referred to the Committee on the
Legislative Branch.
Delegate Proposal No. 348. The Clerk will
read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 348, by Delegate Beatrice Miller. Title,
A PROPOSAL that a petition shall be
sufficient to refer a law to a vote of the
people if signed by a number of qualified
voters equal to ten per cent of the total
number of votes cast for governor in the
most recent gubernatorial election, pro-
vided that not more than one-fourth of
such required number shall be voters resid-
ing in any one county,
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 348 is referred to the Committee on
Suffrage and Elections.
Delegate Proposal No. 349. The Clerk will
read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 349, by Delegates Bothe, Burgess,
Dukes, and Bamberger. Title, |
A PROPOSAL that an accused person
shall be entitled to release pending trial
conditioned only upon such surety as is
reasonably necessary to secure his appear-
ance before the court; that no person shall
be imprisoned solely because of indigence;
and that no bail shall be set for a punitive
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 349 is referred to the Committee on
Personal Rights and the Preamble.
Delegate Proposal No. 350. I call your
attention to a memorandum accompanying
Delegate Proposal No. 349, which you
should have on your desk.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 350, by Delegates Marion, Schloeder,
Singer, Sollins, and Fox. Title,
A PROPOSAL that members of the Gen-
eral Assembly shall receive an annual sal-
ary and such allowances as may be pre-
scribed by law, and that such annual salary
shall not be less than one-third nor more
than one-half of the annual salary of the
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 350 is referred to the Committee on the
Legislative Branch.
Delegate Proposal No. 351. The Clerk will
read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 351, by Delegates Beatrice Miller and
Sollins. Title,
A PROPOSAL that the General Assem-
bly shall be empowered to amend the budget
bill submitted by the governor in any
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 35I is referred to the Committee on
State Finance and Taxation.
Delegate Proposal No. 352. The Clerk will
read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 352, by Delegate Hanson. Title,
A PROPOSAL that a commission on in-
tergovernmental relations be established.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 352 is referred to the Committee on
Local Government. There is memorandum
by Delegate Hanson accompanying Dele-
gate Proposal No. 352.
Delegate Proposal No. 353. The Clerk will
read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 353, by Delegate Harris. Title, |