celebrating her birthday. Anyone curious
about knowing which birthday may take
that up directly with Delegate Cardin.
I move adjournment until 2:00 P.M. to-
THE PRESIDENT: All those in favor,
signify by saying Aye; contrary, No. The
Ayes have it. It is so ordered.
(Whereupon, at 2:30 P.M., the Conven-
tion was adjourned to reconvene on
Wednesday, October 11, 1967.)
OCTOBER 11, 1967 — 2:00 P.M.
THE PRESIDENT: The Convention will
please come to order.
The invocation today will be offered by
Father Robert A. Bozel, St. Jane Frances
Catholic Church, Riviera Beach, Anne
Arundel County. Father Bozel.
FATHER BOSEL: In the Name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit, Amen.
Almighty and Eternal God, God of
Might, Wisdom, and Justice, through Whom
all authority is rightly administered, laws
are enacted and judgment decreed, we ask
You to assist, with Thy Holy Spirit of
Counsel and Fortitude, all the delegates to
this Constitutional Convention of Maryland.
Watch over them that their deliberations
may be conducted in righteousness and be
eminently useful to Thy people by en-
couraging a due respect for virtue and
religion, by a faithful execution of the
law of justice and mercy. Let it light the
deliberations of this convention. Let it
shine forth on all the proceedings and
laws framed for our rule and government
that they may tend to the preservation of
peace, the promotion of happiness, the in-
crease of industry, sobriety and knowledge,
and give citizens the blessings of liberty.
We pray also, God, for all the duly
elected and appointed officers of this state
who guard our political welfare that they
may be enabled, by Thy Powerful Protec-
tion, to discharge the duties of their re-
spective stations with honesty and ability.
Finally we commend to Thy Unbounded
Mercy all our fellow citizens throughout |
the State of Maryland that they may be
preserved in that union and peace which
the world cannot give; and after enjoying
the blessing of this life, they may be ad-
mitted to those which are eternal.
(Whereupon a roll call was taken.)
THE PRESIDENT: Have all delegates
answered the roll call?
(There was no response.)
The Clerk will record the roll call. A
quorum being present, the Convention is
in session.
The Chair recognizes Delegate Powers,
Chairman of the Committee on Calendar
and Agenda.
I move adoption of the daily calendar and
THE PRESIDENT: Is there a second?
(The motion was duly seconded.)
THE PRESIDENT: Is there any dis-
(There was no response.)
All those in favor signify by saying
Aye; contrary, No. The Ayes have it. It
is so ordered. The calendar is adopted.
We have several very distinguished vis-
itors with us today. I would like to recog-
nize on the floor of the Convention the
presence of the Honorable Perry O. Wilkin-
son, former Speaker of the House of Dele-
gates of Maryland. (Applause.)
Mr. Wilkinson said this morning he en-
joys very much being here and not having
any duties to perform.
It also gives me very great pleasure to
recognize as a distinguished guest in the
gallery this afternoon the Honorable Mrs.
Shulamit Aloni, member of the Israeli
Parliament. Mrs. Aloni is in the gallery.
I might add that Mrs. Aloni is particu-
larly interested in the proceedings of this
Convention. She will be in this country for
some weeks, and has been here about ten
days. Her own country is considering plans
for the preparation of a constitution which
they do not now have.
Reports of standing committees. Report
of the Committee on Rules, Credentials |