SECTION 1. The General Assembly may provide for organ-
izing new counties, locating and removing county seats, and
changing county lines, but no new county shall be organized
without the consent of a majority of the legal voters residing
within the limits about to form said county, nor shall the
lines of any county be changed, without the consent of a ma-
jority of the legal voters residing within the limits of the
lines proposed to be changed, nor shall any new county con-
tain less than four hundred square miles, nor less than ten
thousand white inhabitants, nor shall any county be reduced
below that amount of square miles, nor below that number
of white inhabitants.
Sec. 2. The General Assembly shall provide, by general
law, for dividing the counties into townships or permanent
municipal corporations, in place of the existing election dis-
tricts prescribing their limits and confiding to them all pow-
ers necessary for the management of their public local con-
cerns; and whenever the organization of these township cor-
porations shall be perfected, all officers provided for in this
Constitution, but whose official functions shall have been
superseded by such organizations, shall be dispensed with,
and the affairs of such townships and of the counties as af-
fected by the action of such townships shall be transacted in
such manner as the General Assembly shall direct.
SECTION 1. The General Assembly may propose any amend-
ment or amendments to this Constitution which shall be
agreed to by three fifths of all the members elected to both
houses. Such proposed amendment or amendments with the
yeas and nays thereon, shall be entered on the Journal of
each house; shall be printed with the Laws passed at the
same session, and shall be published, by order of the Gover-
nor, in all the newspapers printed in the different counties
of this State, and in three newspapers printed in the. city of
Baltimore (one of which shall be printed in the German lan-
guage, ) for at least three months preceding the next election
for members of the General Assembly, at which election the
said proposed amendment or amendments shall be submitted
to the qualified Electors of the State for their confirmation or
rejection, and if it shall appear, to the satisfaction of the
Governor, from the returns of said election made to him by
the proper authorities, that a majority of the qualified votes
cast at said election on the proposed amendment or amend-