ments were in favor of the said proposed amendment or
amendments, he shall, by proclamation, declare said amend-
ment or amendments to be part of the Constitution of this
State. When two or more amendments shall be submitted
by the General Assembly to the qualified Electors of the
State at the same election, they shall be so submitted that
the Electors may vote for or against each amendment sep-
Sec. 2. Whenever two-thirds of the members elected to
each branch of the General Assembly, shall think it necessary
to call a Convention to revise, amend or change this Consti-
tution, they shall recommend to the electors to vote, at the
next election, for members of the General Assembly, for or
against a Convention: and if a majority of all the electors
voting at said election, shall have voted for a Convention,
the General Assembly shall, at their next session, provide by
law for calling the same. The Convention shall consist of as
many members as both houses of the General Assembly, who
shall be chosen in the same manner and shall meet within
three months after their election, for the purpose aforesaid.
Sec. 3. At the general election to be held in the year one
thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, and in each twen-
tieth year thereafter, the question "shall there be a Conven-
tion to revise, alter or amend the Constitution ?" shall be
submitted to the electors of the State; and in case a majority
of all the electors voting1 at such election, shall decide in favor
of a Convention, the General Assembly, at its next session
shall provide by law, for the election of delegates, and the
assembling of such Convention, as is provided in the preced-
ing section; but no amendment of this Constitution, agreed
upon by any Convention assembled in pursuance of this
article, shall take effect until the same shall have been sub-
mitted to the electors of the State, and adopted by a majority
of those voting thereon.
. SECTION 1. Every person holding an)r office created by or
existing under the Constitution or Laws of the State, the
entire amount of whose pay or compensation received for the
discharge of his official duties, shall exceed the yearly sum
of three thousand dollars, except wherein otherwise provided
by this Constitution, shall keep a book, in which shall be
entered every sum or sums of money received by him, or on
his account, as a payment or compensation for his perform-
ance of official duties, a copy of which entries in said book,
verified by the oath of the officer by whom it is directed to be