by the imposition of an annual tax of not less than five cents
on each one hundred dollars of taxable property throughout
the State, the proceeds of which tax shall be known as the
Public School fund, and shall be invested by the Treasurer,
together with its annual interest, until such time as said fund
shall, by its own increase and any additions which may be
made to it from time to time, together with the present school
fund, amount to six millions of dollars, when the tax of ten
cents on the hundred dollars, authorised by the preceding sec-
tion, may be discontinued in whole or in part, as the General
Assembly may direct, the principal fund of six millions here-
by provided shall remain forever inviolate as the free public
school fund of the State, and the annual interest of said school
fund shall be disbursed for educational purposes only, as may
be prescribed by law.
SECTION 1. The Militia shall be composed of all able bodied
male citizens residents of this State, being eighteen years of
age, and under the age of forty-five years, who shall be en-
rolled in the Militia, and perform military duty in such man-
ner, not incompatible with the Constitution and Laws of the
United States, as may be prescribed by the General Assembly
of Maryland, but persons whose religious opinions and con-
scientious scruples forbid them to bear arms, shall be relieved
from doing so, on producing to the proper authorities satis-
factory proof that they are thus conscientious.
Sec. 2. The Genera) Assembly shall provide at its first
session after the adoption of this Constitution, and from time
to time thereafter, as the exigency may require, for organ-
izing, equipping and disciplining the Militia in such manner
not incompatible with the laws of the United States, as shall
be most effective to repel invasion and suppress insurrection,
and shall pass such laws as shall promote the formation of
volunteer Militia associations in the city of Baltimore and in
every county and to secure them such privileges or assistance
as may afford them effectual encouragement.
Sec. o. There shall bean Adjutant General, who shall be
appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and con-
sent of the Senate. He shall hold his office at the pleasure
f the Governor: shall perform such duties, and shall receive
such compensation or emoluments as are now or maybe here-
after fixed by law.