Baltimore city, respectively, and shall serve for four years
from the date of his election, subject to the classification of
Senators hereinafter provided for.
Sec. 4. The white population of the State shall constitute
the basis of representation in the House of Delegates, and
the apportionment of the Delegates among the several counties
and Legislative districts of the city of Baltimore shall be as
follows: —For every five thousand persons, or a fractional
part thereof above one half, one Delegate shall be chosen,
until the number of Delegates in each county and Legislative
district of the city of Baltimore shall reach five. Above that
number, one Delegate shall be chosen for the next twenty
thousand persons, or a fractional portion over one half thereof,
in each county and Legislative district of the city of Balti-
more; above that num Der, each county and Legislative dis-
trict of the said city shall elect one Delegate for every eighty
thousand persons, or fractional portion thereof, above one-
half. Upon this principle, and as soon as practicable after each
National census, or State enumeration of inhabitants, the
General Assembly shall apportion the members of the House
of Delegates among the several counties and the several Leg-
islative districts of Baltimore city according to the white
population of each. But until such apportionment is made,
the House of Delegates shall consist of eighty members, dis-
tributed as follows: Allegany five members; Anne Arundel
two; each of the three Legislative districts in Baltimore city
six; Baltimore county six; Calvert one; Caroline two;
Carroll five; Cecil four; Charles one; Dorchester two;
Frederick six; Harford four; Howard two; Kent two; Mont-
gomery two; Prince George's two; Queen Anne's two; St.
Mary's one; Somerset three; Talbot two; Washington five;
Worcester three.
Sec. 5. The members of the House of Delegates shall be
elected by the qualified voters of the counties and the Legis-
lative districts of Baltimore city, respectively, to serve for two
years from the day of their election.
Sec. 6. The first election for Senators and Delegates, shall
take place on Tuesday next after the first Monday in the
month of November, eighteen hundred and sixty four; and
the elections for Delegates, and as nearly as practicable, for
one-half of the Senators, shall be held on the same same day
in every second, year thereafter.
Sec. 7. Immediately after the Senate shall have convened
after the first election under this Constitution, the Senators
shall be divided by lot into two classes, as nearly equal in
number as may be; Senators of the first class shall go ont of