dons, except in cases of impeachment, and in cases in which
he is prohibited by other articles of this Constitution, and to
remit fines and forfeitures for offences against the, State; but
shall not remit the principal or interest of any debt due to the
State, except in cases of fines and forfeitures; and before grant-
ing a nolle prosequi, or pardon, he shall give notice in one or
more newspapers of the application made for it, and of the
day on or after which his decision will be given; and in every
case in which he exercises this power, he shall report to either
branch of the General Assembly whenever required, the peti-
tions, recommendations, and reasons which influence his
Sec. 22. The Governor shall reside at the seat of Govern-
ment, and shall receive for his services an annual salary of
four thousand dollars.
Sec. 23. A Secretary of State shall be appointed by the
Governor, by and with, the advice and consent of the Senate,
who shall continue in office, unless sooner removed by the
Governor, till the end of the official term of the Governor
from whom he received his appointment, and shall receive an
annual salary of one thousand dollars.
Sec. 24. The Secretary of State shall carefully keep and
preserve a record of all official acts and proceedings, which
may at all times be inspected by a committee of either branch
of the General Assembly, and shall perform such other duties
as are now or may hereafter be prescribed by law, or as may
properly belong to his office.
SECTION I. The Legislature shall consist of two distinct
branches, a Senate and a House of Delegates, which shall be
styled "The General. Assembly of Maryland. "
Sec. 2. Immediately after the adoption of this Constitu-
tion, and before there shall have been held any general elec-
tion under it, the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall
proceed to lay off and divide the said city into three several
districts, of equal population and contiguous territory, as
near as may be, which said districts shall be called the first,
second and third Legislative districts of Baltimore city.
Sec. 3. Every county in the State, and each Legislative
district of Baltimore city, as herein before provided for, shall
be entitled to one Senator, who shall be elected by the quali-
fied voters of the counties and*of the Legislative districts of