office at the expiration of two years, and Senators shall be
elected on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the
month of November, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, for the
term of four years, to supply their places; so that, after the
first election, one-half of the Senators may be chosen every
second year. In case the number of Senators be hereinafter
increased, such classification of the additional Senators shall
be made as to preserve, as nearly as may be, au equal number
in each class.
Sec. 8. No person shall be eligible as a Senator or Dele-
gate who at the time of his election, is not a citizen of the
United States, and who has not resided at least three years
next preceding the day of his election in this State, and the
last year thereof in the county or in the legislative district of
Baltimore city which he may be chosen to represent, it such
county or. legislative district of said city shall have been so
long established, and if not, then in the county or city from
which in whole or in part, the same may have been formed:
nor shall any person be eligible as a Senator unless be shall
have attained the age of twenty-five years, nor as a Delegate
unless he shall have attained the age of twenty-one years, at
the time of his election.
Soc. 9. No member of Congress or person holding any
civil or military office under the United States, shall be
eligible as a Senator or Delegate; and if any person shall,
after his election as a Senator or Delegate, 'be elected to
Congress, or be appointed to any office, civil or military,
under the Government of the United States, his acceptance
thereof shall vacate his seat.
Sec. 10. No person holding any civil office of profit or
trust under this State, except Justices of the Peace, shall be
eligible to the office of Senator or Delegate.
Sec. 11. No collector, receiver or holder of public moneys
shall be eligible as Senator or Delegate or to any office of
profit or trust under this State, until he shall have account-
ed for and paid into the Treasury, all sums on the books
thereof changed to and due by him.
Sec. 12. In case of death, disqualification, resignation,
refusal to act, expulsion, or removal from the county or leg-
islative district of Baltimore city, for which he shall have
been elected, of any person who shall have been chosen as a
Delegate or Senator, or in case of a tie between two or more
such qualified persons, a warrant of election shall be issued
by the Speaker of the House of Delegates or President of the
Senate, as the case may be, for the election of another person