according to the Constitution and Laws of this State, and
that since the adoption of the present Constitution I have not
in any manner violated the provisions thereof in relation to
bribery of voters or preventing legal or procuring illegal
votes to be given; (and if a Governor, Senator, Member of
the House of Delegates, or Judge, ) " that I will not directly
or indirectly receive the profits, or any part of the profits, of
any other office during the time of my acting as ————--.. "
And if any person elected or appointed to office as aforesaid
shall refuse or neglect to take the said oath or affirmation, he
shall be considered as having refused to accept the said office
and a new election or appointment shall be made as in case
of refusal or resignation, and any person swearing or affirm-
ing falsely in the premises, shall, on conviction thereof in a
court of law, incur the penalties for wilful and corrupt per-
jury, and be thereafter incapable of voting at any election,
and also incapable of holding any office of profit or trust in
this State.
Sec. 5. No person who is lunatic, non-compos mentis, or
under guardianship, shall be allowed to vote; nor shall any
one convicted of bribery, or other infamous crime that consigns
him to the penitentiary, until two years after he shall have
paid the penalty of his offence, unless pardoned by the Go-
Sec. 6. No person in the Military or Naval service of the
United States shall he considered as having acquired a resi-
dence to vote because he has been employed at any barracks
forts, or naval station in this State, and no citizen shall be
deemed to have lost his residence by reason of his absence
while employed hi the service of this State or the United
States, or while engaged in navigating the waters thereof or
the high seas, or while confined as a public prisoner.
Which was read the first time.
Mr. Scott gave notice that he would at the proper time sub-
mit the following amendment to the — section of the report
of the Committee on the Elective Franchise:
"That I will be faithful and support the Constitution and
Laws of Maryland, and that I will to the best of my skill
and judgment, diligently and faithfully, without partiality
or prejudice, execute the office of —————— and that since
the adoption of the present Constitution I have not in any
manner violated the provisions thereof in relation to bribery
of voters or preventing legal or procuring illegal votes to be