he offers to vote, for six months next preceding the election;
but a person who shall not have acquired a residence in such
county or city entitling him to vote at any such election shall
be entitled to vote in the election district from which he re-
moved, until he shall have acquired a residence in the part of
the county or city to which he has removed.
Sec. 2. That if any person shall give, or offer to give, di-
rectly or indirectly, any bribe, present or reward, or any
promise, or any security for the payment or delivery of money
or any other thing to induce any voter to refrain from casting
his vote, or forcibly to prevent him in any way from voting,
or to obtain or procure a vote for any candidate or person
proposed or voted for, as elector of President and Vice Presi-
dent of the United States, or Representative in Congress, or
for any office of profit or trust created by the Constitution or
Laws of this State, or by the ordinances or authority of the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, the person giving or
offering to give, and the person receiving the same, and any
person who gives or causes to be given an illegal vote, know-
ing it to be so, at any election to be hereafter held Ju this
State, shall on conviction in a Court of Law, in addition to
the penalties now or hereafter to be imposed by law, be for-
ever disqualified to hold any office of profit or trust, or to vote
at any election thereafter.
Sec. 3. It shall he the duty of the General Assembly of
Maryland to pass laws to punish with fine and imprisonment
any person who shall remove into any election district or ward
of the city of Baltimore, not for the purpose of acquiring a
bona fide residence therein, but for the purpose of voting
therein at an approaching election, or who 'shall vote in any
election district or ward in which he does not reside, (except
in the case provided for in the first article of the Constitution, )
or shall, at the same election vote in more than one election
district or ward, or shall vote or offer to vote in any name not
his own, or in place of any other person of the same name, or
shall vote in any county in which he does not reside.
SEC. 4.. Every person elected or appointed to any office of
profit or trust under the Constitution or Laws made pursuant
thereto, before he shall enter upon the duties of such office shall
take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation: I, A. B.,
do swear or affirm, (as the case may be, ) that 1 will support the
Constitution of the United States, and that I will be faithful
and bear true allegiance to the State of Maryland, and support
the Constitution and Laws thereof, and that I will, to the
best of my skill and judgment, diligently and faithfully,
without partiality or prejudice, execute the office of —————