given, (and if a Governor, Senator, Member of the House
of Delegates or Judge, ) that I will not directly or indirectly
receive the profits or any part of the profits of any other of-
fice during the time of my acting as —————————, and that
I owe paramount allegiance to the Constitution and Govern-
ment of the United States, any law or ordinance of the Gen-
eral Assembly or State Convention of Maryland, to the con-
trary notwithstanding; that I will defend the said Constitu-
tion and Government of the United States to the last extrem-
ity, against every enemy, and that since the commencement
of the civil war and rebellion, I have never in any manner
either directly or indirectly by word or deed given aid or en-
couragement to those in rebellion against the United States,
that I have never sympathised with them, nor desired their
success, but have uniformly and at all times denounced them
not only as rebels against and traitors to their country, but
as enemies of the human race.
The report of the Committee on Education,
Was taken up,
Mr. Miller submitted the following amendment:
Sec. 6. After the word "tax" in the twelfth line, insert,
"and provided further that the taxes now levied for the sup-
port of public schools in the several counties of this State
shall be discontinued on and after the first day of January
1866; "
Pending the consideration of which,
The hour having arrived for taking up the Order of the
Day, being the Report of the Committee on the Judiciary
On motion of Mr. Berry, of Prince George's,
It was postponed until after the consideration of the Report
of the Committee on Education.
The question then recurring upon the adoption of the
amendment submitted by Mr. Miller;
Mr. Miller demanded the yeas and nays,
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows:
Messrs. Davis, of Charles, Lee,
Berry, of P. Geo., Duvall, Mitchell,