Sec. 8, In case of any vacancy in the office of Governor
during the recess of the Legislature, the President of the
Senate shall discharge the duties of said office till a Governor
is elected, as herein provided for; and in case of the death or
resignation of said President, or of his removal from the
State, or of his refusal to serve, then the duties of said office
shall, in like manner and for the same interval, devolve upon
the Speaker of the House of Delegates, and the Legislature
may provide by law for the case of impeachment or inability
of the Governor, and declare what person shall perform the
Executive duties during such impeachment or inability; and
for any vacancy in said office not herein provided for, pro-
vision may be made by law, and if such vacancy should oc-
cur without such provision being made, the Legislature shall
be convened by the Secretary of State, for the purpose of fill-
ing said vacancy.
In other respects the undersigned concur in the Report of
the Majority.
Which was read.
Mr. Brown from the minority of the committee on the Elec-
tive franchise, submitted the following
The minority of the Committee not being able to concur in
all of the views of the majority, beg leave to submit the fol-
lowing Report:
SECTION 1. Every free white male person of twenty-one
years of age, and upwards, who shall have been one year next
preceding the election a resident of the State, and for six
months a resident of Baltimore, or of any county in which he
may offer to vote, and being at the time of the election a citi-
zen of the United States, shall be entitled to vote in the ward
or election district in which he resides, in all elections here-
after to be held; and at all such elections the vote shall be
taken by ballot. And in case any county or city shall be so
divided as to form portions of different electoral districts for
the election of Congressmen, Senator, Delegate or other offi-
cer or officers, then to entitle a person to vote for such officer,
he must have been a resident of that part of the county or
city which shall form a part of the electoral district in which