from whom he received his appointment, and shall receive an
annual salary of one thousand dollars.
Sec. 24. He shall carefully keep and preserve a record of
all official acts and proceedings, which may at all times be
inspected by a committee of either branch of the Legislature,
and shall perform such other duties as may he prescribed by
law, or as may properly belong to his office.
Which was read the first time.
Mr. Miller, from a minority of said committee, submitted
the following Report:
The undersigned, members of the Committee on the Execu-
tive Department, respectfully submit the following Minority
In lieu of the second section of the Report of the Majority,
they submit and recommend the adoption of the following:
Section 2. The first election for Governor, under this Con-
stitution, shall be held on the Tuesday next after the first
Monday in November, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and
the second election shall be held on the Tuesday next after
the first Monday in November, eighteen hundred and sixty-
eight, and on the same day and month in every fourth year
thereafter,, at the places of voting for Delegates to the Gen-
eral Assembly, and every person qualified to vote for Dele-
gates, shall be qualified and entitled to vote for Governor;
the election to be held in the same manner as the election of
Delegates, and the returns thereof, under seal, to be addressed
to the Speaker of the House of Delegates, and enclosed and
transmitted to the Secretary of State, and delivered to the
sail) Speaker at the commencement of the session of the Le-
gislature next ensuing said election.
They further recommend the omission of all the sections in
the Report of the Majority, having reference to the office and
duties of Lieutenant Governor, being sections 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
and recommend the adoption in lieu thereof of the following
sections of the present Constitution:
Sec. 7. In case of the death or resignation of the Governor,
or of his removal from the State, the General Assembly, it in
session, or if not, at their next session, shall elect some other
qualified resident of the same district to be the Governor for
the residue of the term for which the said Governor had been